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Canadian Zinc Corporation - MV2021L2-0004

​Allied Permit: MV2021D0005

To develop a new exploration decline from the existing 880 m level, including pumping, treatment and discharge of water inflows, use of the existing water treatment infrastructure and Polishing Pond, and placement of waste rock on a waste rock pad near the 870 m level portal. Also, the use of water from local sources for surface exploration drilling.

Operation of a mine and mill processing ~2,400 tonnes/day supported by a camp for ~180 personnel during normal operations, and up to 300 personnel during construction. Drilling and blasting underground. Temporary surface storage of tailings, followed by underground backfill. Placement of waste rock in a permanent surface pile. Temporary storage of mill water and groundwater intercepted underground in a storage pond, recycling of mill water and controlled management and release of the intercepted groundwater to the environment.

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Displaying 1 - 100 of 353
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CZN – Schedule 6 Change - Dec21_23.pdf (1.27 MB)
CZN – Workplan Extension Request and Administrative Updates - Oct5_23.pdf (1.25 MB)
CZN - Issuance - Type A Water Licence - Sep23_22.pdf (3.22 MB)
CZN - ANNEX A - Ministerial Approval Letter - Sep23_22.pdf (762.63 KB)
CZN - Board Recommendation - Type A Water Licence - Aug10_22.pdf (3.08 MB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CZN - Water Use Fees - 2024-25 - Oct11_24.pdf (155.92 KB)
CZN - Receipt - 2024-25 Water Use Fee - Sep14_24.pdf (37.42 KB)
CZN - Water Use Fees - 2023-24 - Oct18_23.pdf (560.62 KB)
CZN - Letter Re Security from GNWT - Jul18_23.pdf (789.54 KB)
CZN - Closure Cost Decision - Phase 1 - Dec16_22.xlsm (596.87 KB)
CZN - Closure Cost Decision - Phase 3 - Dec20_22.xlsm (462.59 KB)
CZN - Closure Cost Decision - Phase 2 - Dec20_22.xlsm (464.1 KB)
CZN - Closure Cost Decision - Phase 4 - Dec16_22.xlsm (461.47 KB)
CZN - Security Correspondence - RE Mine Site Security - Oct13_22.pdf (118.32 KB)
SNP Program
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CZN - SNP QAQC Plan - Dec12_23.pdf (1.58 MB)
CZN - SNP QAQC Plan - Lab Approval Letter - Dec12_23.pdf (251.2 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CZN - IR5 Review - Comment Response Table - May15_22.pdf (127 KB)
CZN - Draft Auth Review DFO Att 1 - May6_22.pdf (395.63 KB)
CZN - Draft Auth Review DFO Att 2 - May6_22.pdf (64.02 KB)
CZN - Draft Auth Review ECCC Letter - May6_22.pdf (253.98 KB)
CZN - Draft Auth Review GNWT Letter - May6_22.pdf (225.35 KB)
CZN - Draft Auth Review GNWT Letter - May9_22.pdf (229.25 KB)
CZN - CZN Comment on DFO Revised Closing Arguments - May30_22.pdf (114.43 KB)
CZN - Draft Authorizations Response Extension Request - May13_22.pdf (59.57 KB)
CZN - IR5 Review - GNWT Letter - May15_22.pdf (223.61 KB)
CZN - Draft Auth Review DFO Letter - May6_22.pdf (127.8 KB)
CZN - CZN Closing Arguments - May26_22.pdf (159.9 KB)
CZN - DFO Closing Arguments - Revised - May27_22.pdf (683.49 KB)
CZN - NDDB Closing Arguments - May20_22.pdf (1003.68 KB)
CZN - ADKFN Closing Arguments - May18_22.pdf (1.3 MB)
CZN - LKFN Closing Arguments - May20_22.pdf (225.36 KB)
CZN - PC Closing Arguments - May19_22.pdf (604.4 KB)
CZN - DFO Closing Arguments - May18_22.pdf (787.2 KB)
CZN - GNWT Closing Arguments - May20_22.pdf (294.5 KB)
CZN - ECCC Closing Arguments - May20_22.pdf (214.68 KB)
CZN - Draft Authorizations Comment Table - May16_22.pdf (628.83 KB)
CZN - IR1-4 Review - Comment and Response Table - May5_22.pdf (165.88 KB)
CZN - IR1-4 Review - ECCC Letter - May5_22.pdf (166.19 KB)
CZN - IR1-4 Review - GNWT Letter - May5_22.pdf (228.42 KB)
CZN - IR1-4 Review - CZN Memo Outliers and Stats - May5_22.pdf (710.7 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclaim 1st Year of Construction.xlsm (314 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclaim 9th Year of Operation.xlsm (314.14 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclai 13th Year of Operation.xlsm (314.09 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclai 15th Year of Operation.xlsm (313.78 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Closure Costs Apr14_22.pdf (4.47 MB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclaim 2nd Year of Construction.xlsm (313.93 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclaim Start of Operation.xlsm (314.04 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclaim 3rd Year of Operation.xlsm (314.05 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclaim 5th Year of Operation.xlsm (313.94 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclaim 7th Year of Operation.xlsm (313.8 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR5 - Reclai 11th Year of Operation.xlsm (314.03 KB)
CZN - Type A Mining and Milling - draft Licence - Apr14_22.pdf (1.6 MB)
CZN Response to IR - Eff M_84-85_90p_8m Mar11_22.xlsx (79.33 KB)
CZN Response to IR - UpstrWQ - percentile w outliers Mar11_22.xlsx (65.95 KB)
CZN - CZN Response to IR - Mar11_22.pdf (1.6 MB)
CZN Response to IR - Eff M_84-85_90p_2m Mar11_22.xlsx (75.03 KB)
CZN Response to IR - Eff M_84-85_90p_4.8m Mar11_22.xlsx (78.81 KB)
CZN Response to IR - UpstrWQ - percentile wo outliers Mar11_22.xlsx (65.66 KB)
CZN Response to IR - UpstrWQ raw data Mar11_22.xlsx (47.21 KB)
CZN - DFO Response to Information Request - Feb23_22.pdf (392.74 KB)
CZN - GNWT Response to Information Request - Feb15_22.pdf (1.11 MB)
CZN - Information Request to DFO - Feb11_22.pdf (223.63 KB)
CZN - Information Request to GNWT - Feb9_22.pdf (244.81 KB)
CZN - Information Requests to CZN - Feb9_22.pdf (306 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Extension Request - Jul29_21.pdf (137.07 KB)
CZN - Type A Permit and Licence Application - Hayco 2004 Rough Analysis of Flood Flows in Prairie Creek - Sep7_21.pdf (164.16 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Water Management Plan Table 5-9 Update (Operations SNP) - Aug26_21.pdf (80.71 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - SNP Map (Operations) - Aug26_21.pdf (3.63 MB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Technical Memo Re Water Adaptive Management - Aug23_21.pdf (159.31 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Technical Memo Re Percentiles - Aug23_21.pdf (214.44 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Review Comment Summary - Applications - Aug2_21.pdf (5.6 MB)
CZN - Application Review - CZN - ID 12 - Tetra Tech Haul Traffic Letter - Aug2_21.pdf (174.07 KB)
CZN - Application Review - CZN - ID 11 - Haul Traffic Memo - Aug2_21.pdf (164.72 KB)
CZN – Application Review – CZN – ID 1 – 2011 WMMP – Aug2_21.pdf (400.78 KB)
CZN - Application Review - CZN - ID 7, 13 - Site Layout Figure with Mineral and Surface Leases - Aug2_21.pdf (1.68 MB)
CZN - Application Review - CZN - ID 10 - United Geo 2020 Paste Testing Report - Aug2_21.pdf (565.69 KB)
CZN - Application Review -CZN - ID 9 - Tetra Tech Flow Trends and Climate Change - Aug2_21.pdf (1.23 MB)
CZN - Application Review - CZN - ID 8 - Table re Engagement Triggers - Aug2_21.pdf (125.98 KB)
CZN - Application Review - CZN - ID 6 - Robertson geoconsultants IR Responses - Aug2_21.pdf (1.32 MB)
CZN - Application Review - CZN - ID 5 - Okane IR Responses - Aug2_21.pdf (162.05 KB)
CZN - Application Review - CZN - ID 3 - Hayco Flood Calculation March 2004 - Aug2_21.pdf (163.98 KB)
CZN - Application Review - CZN - ID 2 - Air Quality and Emissions Monitoring and Management Plan - Aug2_21.pdf (1.06 MB)
CZN - Application Review - NDDB - ID 1 - NDDB Letter - Jul15_21.pdf (299.56 KB)
CZN - Application Review - GNWT-LANDS - ID 98 - GNWT Cover Letter - Jul15_21.pdf (259.55 KB)
CZN - Application Review - ECCC - ID 16 - ECCC Cover Letter - Jul15_21.pdf (253.43 KB)
CZN - Application Review - ADKFN - ID 24 - ADKFN Cover Letter - Jul15_21.pdf (206.84 KB)
CZN - Application Review - PC - ID 31 - PC Cover Letter - Jul15_21.pdf (191.01 KB)
CZN - Application Review - LKFN - ID 1 - LKFN Letter - Jul15_21.pdf (665.56 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Newspaper Ad News North - Jun21_21.pdf (1009.8 KB)
CZN - Effluent Model_83-84 including As and Zn, increased effluent cleaned - Jun23_21.xlsx (79.85 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit - Effluent Model_83-84 except As and Zn cleaned - Jun23_21.xlsx (76.83 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Closure Cost Estimate - May27_21.pdf (252.1 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Site Layout 1-1 - May27_21.pdf (3.86 MB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Preliminary Screening Impacts and Mitigations Table - May27_21.pdf (241.16 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence and Permit Application - Waste Management Plan - Version 1 - May27_21.pdf (23.49 MB)
CZN - Type A Licence Application - Effluent Model_83-84 except As and Zn increased effluent - May31_21.xlsx (170.35 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence Application - Effluent Model_83-84 including As and Zn increased effluent - May31_21.xlsx (170.42 KB)
CZN - Type A Licence Application - EQC Report - May27_21.pdf (22.83 MB)
CZN - Type A Licence Application - Golder WSP Feasibility Design 2012 - May28_21.pdf (6.16 MB)
CZN - Type A Licence Application - Water Management Plan - Version 1.pdf (7.01 MB)