Media Requests
If you are looking for information or would like to set up an interview, please contact the Executive Director, available at the phone number and email address above.
Due to the quasi-judicial nature of the Regulatory Process of the Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley, there are certain limitations as to what the Board Chair and Executive Director are able to speak about. Board decisions, submissions made by other parties, or any other evidence must speak for themselves.
The primary source of information for all matters currently before the Board is the SLWB Public Registry. The Registry contains all the evidence the Board has on a particular file. We encourage you to contact the developer of a project that is under review to obtain details about their project. Land and Water Board staff can only provide a cursory overview of the project. The developer will be best able to describe its own project.
Media requests are referred to designated Executive Directors, who may provide remarks on procedural issues. It may be acceptable in certain situations for written responses to be provided by the Executive Director(s) to media requests.
General Inquiries
- Paul Dixon, Executive Director, 867-322-0302
- Patricia McNeely, Manager of Finance and Administration, 867-598-2413 ext. 2
- Jenna Grandjambe, Board and Administrative Support Clerk, 867-322-5856
Regulatory Team
- Bonnie Bergsma, Regulatory Coordinator-Specialist, 519-289-3380
- Natalie Lippa, Regulatory Specialist, 780-237-3571
- Benjamin Roy, Regulatory Technician, 867-322-6784
Mailing Address
Sahtu Land and Water Board
Box 1, Fort Good Hope, NT X0E 0H0
Telephone: 867-768-2503
Fax: (867) 598-2325
Access to Information Requests
The Sahtu Land and Water Board is an independent, public board funded by the federal government. Its governing legislation is the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA) and the Board is subject to the federal Access to Information and Privacy Acts. To submit a request, please visit our Access to Information Requests page.