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GNWT-INF (Sahtu) - S24L8-003

The Project includes the relocation of the Oscar Creek Bridge located at KM1054.4 of the Mackenzie Valley Winter Road (MVWR) to a location 2.9 kilometres (km) to the east (upstream), and the re-alignment of the MVWR from approximately KM1051 to KM1056 to connect with the new bridge location.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S24L8-003 - New Water Licence Application - Decision Letter - Aug23_24.pdf (291.21 KB)
S24L8-003 - GNWT INF - Water Licence Conditions - Aug23_24.pdf (430.31 KB)
S24L8-003 - Licence - Cover Page - Aug 23_24.pdf (545.46 KB)