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Diavik Diamond Mines (2012) Inc. - N7L2-1645

will involve the construction of dikes adjacent to the east island, transferring of water, followed by open pit mining and possibly later underground mining to excavate kimberlite from four identified economical kimberlite pipes


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5. Reports and Studies
Annual Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2000 Type B WL Annual Report - Mar 21_01.pdf (247.95 KB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik- 2001 ANNUAL REPORT- Type A Water License - Apr 03_02.pdf (1.18 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik- 2002 ANNUAL REPORT - Type A Water Licence - Mar28_03.pdf (1.22 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2000 Annual Report March 2001 - Apr2_01.pdf (299.07 KB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2004 Annual Report - Appendices (12.75 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2004 Annual Report - Appendices (13.76 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2004 Annual Report - Appendix (25.74 MB)
N7L2-1645-AnnualDamInspRpt2007-Jul24-Sep07.pdf (25.99 MB)
N7L2-1645-DamInspection2006-Cover-Aug10-06.pdf (206.42 KB)
N7L2-1645-MV2007L2-0003- Annual Inspection Aug07- A154 And A418 Water Retentiion Dikes- Oct26- 07.pdf (20.37 MB)
N7L2-1645- EMAB- 2006-2007 Annual Report- Oct15-07.pdf (1.95 MB)
N7l2-1645-AR2006- Response to Reviews -INAC and ENR-Aug07.pdf (267.66 KB)
N7L2-1645-AR-2006-SubmitCommentsByJul16-07-OpContingencyPlan-HazMatPlan-Dist-Jun07.pdf (665.81 KB)
U-BlastingEffectsResearch.pdf (2.68 MB)
A-SNP-1645-18-Summary-Mar07.pdf (149.14 KB)
B-SNP-Tables-Mar07.pdf (14.27 MB)
C-MeteorologicalReport-Mar07.pdf (907.44 KB)
D-OperationalPhaseContingencyPlan-Mar07.pdf (862.13 KB)
E-HazardousMaterialsMgmtPlan-Mar07.pdf (429.91 KB)
G-Blasting_ExplosivesMgmtPlan-Mar07.pdf (717.88 KB)
H-SeepageReport-Mar07.pdf (34.93 MB)
M-SiteWaterBalance-Mar07.pdf (512.99 KB)
N-A418DewateringProgram-Dec06.pdf (2.71 MB)
P-ClarificationPondDewateringData.pdf (179.83 KB)
R-DDMI-ICRP-Sep06.pdf (40.1 MB)
T-AEMP-Data-Mar07.pdf (1.55 MB)
2006-DDMI-WaterLicenseReport.pdf (2.72 MB)
AppendicesList.doc (92.5 KB)
2006 Annual Report - Appendices.pdf (54.71 KB)
F-WasteMgmtPlan-Mar07.pdf (954.03 KB)
I-DustDepositionMonitoring-Mar07.pdf (984.39 KB)
J-CarbonSequestrationStudy-Dec06.pdf (1.35 MB)
K-RevegetationResearchRpt.pdf (704.9 KB)
L-CountryRockTestPile.pdf (137.95 KB)
O-AN-LossMechanismInvestigation-Dec06.pdf (26.61 MB)
Q-WaterMgmtPlan-Mar07.pdf (1.85 MB)
S-WildlifeMonitoringReport-Mar07.pdf (23.28 MB)
N7L2-1645-Revised-05ARpt-GeoInspRpts-Dist-Feb07.pdf (165.91 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-2003-4AEMPAnd2004AR-Jul05.pdf (55.61 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-2004AEMPComments-Jul05.pdf (54.49 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-EC-2004ARComments-Jun05.pdf (380.09 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-Fax-CopiesToLKDFN-IMA-AnnRpt-DDMIResponse-SOP-ConPlan-May05.pdf (169.6 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-04AnnRept-AEMP-May05.pdf (12.33 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-CommentdateSet-04AnnualRpt-May05.pdf (11.43 KB)
N-NIWTPEffluent.pdf (294.25 KB)
O-MeteorologicalData.pdf (814.59 KB)
P-FishTasting.pdf (7.45 MB)
N7L2-1645-2004AnnualReport-Apr05.doc (115 KB)
Q-SlimySculpinreport.pdf (386.19 KB)
05AR-Appendices.pdf (33.69 KB)
B-TabularSummariesforSNPData.pdf (11.66 MB)
C-OperationalPhaseContingencyPlan-Mar06.pdf (994.9 KB)
F-BlastingExplosivesMgmtPlan-Mar05.pdf (287.89 KB)
G-2005SeepageSurveyReport.pdf (19.75 MB)
H-DustReportMarch2006.pdf (1.58 MB)
J-CarbonSequestrationStudyYr1Report.pdf (2.13 MB)
M1-BlastSimulationonRainbowTroutEggsDRAFT.pdf (228.72 KB)
M2-BlastingEffectsonLakeTroutEggs.pdf (278.34 KB)
Q-A418DikeTurbidityMonitoringProgramReport.pdf (40 MB)
A-Graphsfor1645-18.pdf (55.32 KB)
D-HMMPv9-Mar06.pdf (412.53 KB)
E-WasteMgmtPlan_WTAOpPlan-Mar06.pdf (1021.49 KB)
I-PlumeDelineation_AmmoniaFateReport.pdf (14.48 MB)
K-RevegetationAnnualRepor2005.pdf (349.01 KB)
L-CountryRockTestPileUpdate.PDF (1.55 MB)
N-MeteorologicalReport2005.pdf (1.44 MB)
N7L2-1645AnnualReport2005.pdf (4.42 MB)
P-SiteWaterBalance.pdf (271.1 KB)
R-2004WaterIntakeReport.pdf (1.46 MB)
A-SNPTables.pdf (8.79 MB)
B-ContingencyPlan.pdf (1.33 MB)
F-AEMP2004.pdf (2.78 MB)
H-SeepageRpt.pdf (25.98 MB)
I-DustDepositionMonitorRpt.pdf (1.05 MB)
L-RockResearch.pdf (1.29 MB)
M-BlastEffects.pdf (859.33 KB)
R-SiteWaterBalance.pdf (293.81 KB)
2004Annual-Apr05.pdf (363.76 KB)
AnnualRptCoverLetter.pdf (48.6 KB)
C-HazMatMgmtPlan.pdf (267.85 KB)
D-WasteMgmt.pdf (720.05 KB)
E-Blast-ExplosivesMgmtPlan.pdf (287.89 KB)
G-HydrocarbonRemovalRpt.pdf (732.39 KB)
J-FishHabitatRpt.pdf (1.16 MB)
K-RegrowthResearch.pdf (343.61 KB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2004 Annual Report.pdf (349.89 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-AnnualRptExtensionRequest-Mar05.pdf (349.23 KB)
TypeA-Annual_Water_Licence_Report-2003.PDF (1.16 MB)