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Diavik Diamond Mines (2012) Inc. - N7L2-1645

will involve the construction of dikes adjacent to the east island, transferring of water, followed by open pit mining and possibly later underground mining to excavate kimberlite from four identified economical kimberlite pipes
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Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645-EM-WLWBStaff-DDMI-Mtg-Dec11-06.pdf (146.61 KB)
xxMV05L2-09-EM-DFO-MLVWB-Jurisdiction-Oct06.pdf (13.11 KB)
MV05L2-09-EMABtoDIAND-2Followups-Aug06.pdf (637.92 KB)
ccN7L2-1645-Ltr-EMAB-AcknowledgeLtrMarch21-05-ReviewOfRpts-Nov05.pdf (132.58 KB)
ccN7L2-1645-EMAT-DTCMinutes-Nov05-Jan06.pdf (4.79 MB)
N7L2-1645-Ltr-GNWTAppttoEMAB-Oct05.pdf (771.31 KB)
ccN7L2-1645-Ltr-ResponseLtrJune2-Aug05.pdf (67.92 KB)
ccN7L2-1645-EM-BoardClarification-Jul05.pdf (114.83 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-FaxOutToIMA-Jun05.pdf (216.12 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-Faxcov-INACCommentsSentToIMA-Jun05.pdf (163.44 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-ROAExpertsGroupActivities-May05.pdf (12.31 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-Ltr-MV_ack_of_EMABltrMar21-May05.pdf (291.46 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-FaxCov-LutselkeDeneBand-April05.pdf (159.69 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-Fax-MonicaKrieger-April05.pdf (152.91 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-StatusRpt1-Mar05.pdf (11 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-AprLtr-Mar05.pdf (21.32 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-DDMIRespEGF-Jan05.pdf (13.06 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-DeadlineEGF-Feb05.pdf (11.6 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-DraftAgendaRevised-Feb05.pdf (70.84 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-EGFRDeadline-DRTR11-Feb05.pdf (11.25 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-MediationDeliverables-Feb05.pdf (12.48 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-PartHItem18Revised-Feb05.pdf (211.52 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-pleaserespondDRTR11-Feb05.pdf (13.25 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-ReceiptLtr-Feb05.pdf (10.62 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-RevofRevisedAmmoniaToR-Feb05.pdf (13.27 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-Ltr-ProposaltoConductIndependentRev-Feb05.pdf (352.38 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-DTCtoxicitypaper-feb05.pdf (200.22 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-DDMIResponse-EGFR-Feb05.pdf (13.15 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-pleaserespondEC-Feb05.pdf (53.69 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-pleaserespond-Feb05.pdf (34.21 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-faxcov-WGInfoFlow-DistList-Feb05.pdf (197.75 KB)
N7L2-1645-Ltr-PartHItem14-SOPRevised-Feb05.pdf (1.09 MB)
N7L2-1645-Ltr-RecommbyEMAB-Feb05.pdf (306.26 KB)
N7L2-1645-Ltr-ProposaltoConductIndependRev-Jan05.pdf (418.95 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-LtrAprAMIToR-Jan05.pdf (11.18 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-EM-40987AFSTOR-Jan05.pdf (11.37 KB)
N7L2-1645-Ltr-ExpertsGroupFunding-Jan05.pdf (2.95 MB)
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Water Licence - Reasons for Decision - Aug 21_00.pdf (6.22 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Water Licence - Aug 18_00.pdf (588.04 KB)
W2007L2-0003-WLRenewal Approval-Reasons For Decision-Ltr Sep18-07 From Minister-Oct 07.pdf (12.74 MB)
W07L2-03-WLRenew-60Days-LtrJul24-Dist-Jul07.pdf (1.53 MB)
ReasonsforDecisionDec4-06.pdf (1.28 MB)
AIMA re Shared Primary Use Area - Feb06.pdf (500.2 KB)
N7L2-1645Amendment-May2004 (scanned and signed).pdf (3.39 MB)
N7L2-1645 WL Amendment - May 2004 (unsigned originals).pdf (304.37 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Water Licence Amendment Appl Fee - INAC Receipt - Jan 22_02.pdf (23.24 KB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Annual Water Use Fees 2002-2003 - INAC Receipt - Feb 7_02.pdf (74.15 KB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Annual Water Use Fees - Receipt - Feb 22_01.pdf (58.81 KB)
Securities Reassessment for ICRP Process - Jun07.pdf (237.11 KB)
SNP Program
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - SNP - Approved Changes - Jun 14_01.pdf (62.01 KB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - SNP - Approved Changes - Reference Clarification - Jul 4_05.pdf (72.43 KB)
N7L2-1645 SNP - Revised Oct31-01.pdf (35.23 KB)
N7L2-1645-A21- Request 2 add 2 SNPStations - Aug9-07.pdf (77.07 KB)
SNP Request Dec06.pdf (4.82 MB)
MV05L2-09-ltr-PartH-Item9-Oct06.pdf (302.76 KB)
SNP Modifications - Jun06.pdf (61.93 KB)
N7L2-1645-Ltr-SNP_SamplingMethodAprChanges-Jul05.pdf (117.69 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-FaxCover-NewSNPStations-YKDFNMay05.pdf (122.02 KB)
N7L2-1645-SNPMod-May05.pdf (1.55 MB)
SNP Modification - Apr05.pdf (201.97 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645-Lr-DDMI-RenewalStatus-Jul05.pdf (597.46 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645-MV05L2-09-RenewalWorkPlan-Jul06.pdf (428.58 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-MV2005L2-0009-TLIGovt-Dist-RevComLtrsDatedFeb15nd16-Feb06.pdf (370.12 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-DDMI-WLRenewalTimelines-Sep05.pdf (405.79 KB)
Environmental Assessment
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Comprehensive Study Report - Jun_99.pdf (1.12 MB)
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
xxN7L2-1645-MV2005L2-0009-EMAT-LtrsToDDMIFromWLWB-Feb06.pdf (165.52 KB)
MV2005L2-0009-Ltr-DistList-WLCompliance-Dec05-Jan06.pdf (769.96 KB)
Public Hearing
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Public Hearing - Dec 13-15 1999 - Dec 15_99.pdf (36.41 MB)
N7L2-1645-AmmExptPPHearingPres-June07.pdf (343.04 KB)
N7L2-1645-TlichoPPHearingPres-June07.pdf (700.54 KB)
MV05L2-09-EM-Post-HearingWorkPlan-Schedule-Dec04.pdf (217.19 KB)
N7L2-1645-MV2005L2-0009-PrehearingObjectives-Mar06.pdf (101.83 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-MV2005L2-0009-EMAT-Dist-Pre-HearingConference-Feb06.pdf (89.99 KB)
MV2005L2-0009-N7L2-1645-EM-DateChangeToMar15-16-DPH-Jan06.pdf (396.21 KB)
xxMV2005L2-0009-N7L2-1645-Fax-EMAB-ClarificationOfTranscripts-Jan06.pdf (66.56 KB)
3. Amendment Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
xx Amendment - Supporting Ltr - Jan05.pdf (10.61 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Annual Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2004 Annual Report - Appendices (12.75 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2004 Annual Report - Appendices (13.76 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2004 Annual Report - Appendix (25.74 MB)
N7L2-1645-AnnualDamInspRpt2007-Jul24-Sep07.pdf (25.99 MB)
N7L2-1645-DamInspection2006-Cover-Aug10-06.pdf (206.42 KB)
N7L2-1645-MV2007L2-0003- Annual Inspection Aug07- A154 And A418 Water Retentiion Dikes- Oct26- 07.pdf (20.37 MB)
N7L2-1645- EMAB- 2006-2007 Annual Report- Oct15-07.pdf (1.95 MB)
N7l2-1645-AR2006- Response to Reviews -INAC and ENR-Aug07.pdf (267.66 KB)
N7L2-1645-AR-2006-SubmitCommentsByJul16-07-OpContingencyPlan-HazMatPlan-Dist-Jun07.pdf (665.81 KB)
U-BlastingEffectsResearch.pdf (2.68 MB)
A-SNP-1645-18-Summary-Mar07.pdf (149.14 KB)
B-SNP-Tables-Mar07.pdf (14.27 MB)
C-MeteorologicalReport-Mar07.pdf (907.44 KB)
D-OperationalPhaseContingencyPlan-Mar07.pdf (862.13 KB)
E-HazardousMaterialsMgmtPlan-Mar07.pdf (429.91 KB)
G-Blasting_ExplosivesMgmtPlan-Mar07.pdf (717.88 KB)
H-SeepageReport-Mar07.pdf (34.93 MB)
M-SiteWaterBalance-Mar07.pdf (512.99 KB)
N-A418DewateringProgram-Dec06.pdf (2.71 MB)
P-ClarificationPondDewateringData.pdf (179.83 KB)
R-DDMI-ICRP-Sep06.pdf (40.1 MB)
T-AEMP-Data-Mar07.pdf (1.55 MB)
2006-DDMI-WaterLicenseReport.pdf (2.72 MB)
AppendicesList.doc (92.5 KB)