MV2005L2-0009 - Diavik - AEMP - Final ToR Directive - Jan 22_07.pdf (814.18 KB)
January 21, 2007
May 26, 2015
N7L2-1645-AEMP-AdMP-Requested- Jul18-07.pdf (380.22 KB)
January 15, 2008
N7L2-1645- AEMP- Staff Report- Additional Conditions May14- Nov19-07.pdf (763.69 KB)
November 28, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP- 2007 Sediment- Crrctn To Atchd Cover Letter From DDMI- Re- Investigation Results-EM - Nov13-07.pdf (153.47 KB)
November 18, 2007
N7L2-1645- AEMP- Condition Tracking- Letters From DDMI Re Sediment And Conditions- EM Dist Nov8-07.pdf (3.95 MB)
October 14, 2007
N7L2-1645 - 2007 Sediment Investigation Plan and AEMP Condition Change - Sept 27 07.pdf (220.16 KB)
September 26, 2007
N7L2-1645-QAPP-Reviews - Aug07.pdf (2.17 MB)
August 29, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP- July 07 Non-Sampling Event - Aug11-07.pdf (984.62 KB)
August 10, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP - AdMP (Adaptive Management Plan) version0 Aug7-07.pdf (963.61 KB)
August 6, 2007
AEMP QAPP Reviews - NSMA, INAC, DFO.pdf (1.66 MB)
July 30, 2007
N7L2-1645-DistList-AEMPAdaptiveMgtPlan-Jul07.pdf (1.15 MB)
July 18, 2007
N7L2-1645-MV05L2-09-AEMP-AprLtr-Jul07.pdf (1.39 MB)
July 11, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP-Srpt-AprOnlineReg-Jul07.pdf (12.86 KB)
July 11, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP-SRpt-Jul07.pdf (1.69 MB)
July 11, 2007
AEMP-Approval-Jul07.pdf (1.14 MB)
July 11, 2007
AEMP QAPP Review - INAC-WRD.pdf (1.6 MB)
July 6, 2007
Request for Review by Jul6-07 - AEMP QAPP.pdf (3.24 MB)
July 5, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP-RevisedRevCom-DFO-EMAB-EMAB-NS-Tlicho-Dist-Jun07.pdf (521.68 KB)
June 29, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP-RevisedRevCom-NSMA-EC-INAC-Dist-Jun07.pdf (437.02 KB)
June 29, 2007
N7L2-1645-Ltr-AEMPInfoRequest-EMAB-Apr06.pdf (200.23 KB)
June 29, 2007
AppB-OCPC-2003.PDF (4.57 MB)
June 29, 2007
2003 AEMP - Appendices.doc (67.5 KB)
June 28, 2007
N7L2-1645-EM-DDIMResponse-Oct05.pdf (523.86 KB)
June 28, 2007
AEMP-Cover.pdf (183.19 KB)
June 28, 2007
AEMP-revised-May07.doc (47.5 KB)
June 28, 2007
xxN7L2-1645-AEMP-SubmissionDeadline-May14th.pdf (11.41 KB)
June 28, 2007
AEMP-appx3-5.pdf (8.84 MB)
June 28, 2007
AEMP-TOC.pdf (4.29 MB)
June 28, 2007
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - AEMP - QAQC Request Submit Revised Plan - Jun 12_07.pdf (11.84 KB)
June 21, 2007
N7L2-1645-QA-QC-ReqSubmitPlan-RevisedAEMP-Jun07.pdf (3.25 MB)
June 21, 2007
N7L2-1645-MV05L2-09-AmmoniaEQC-AMP-LtrJun15-07ToDDMI-Dist-Jun07.pdf (48.51 KB)
June 14, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP-Jun2007-DDMICommentResponse-DraftResponsesRevisionComments-Dist-Jul07.pdf (64.44 KB)
June 11, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP-Jun2007-DDMICommentResponse-Jul07.pdf (64.44 KB)
June 11, 2007
N7L2-1645-DDMIResponseToAEMPComm-LtrAtt-Jun07.pdf (60.3 KB)
June 10, 2007
N7L2-1645-DraftResponsesToCommOn07AEMPRevisions-Jun07.pdf (264.05 KB)
June 10, 2007
N7L2-1645-DDMI-AEMPCommRes-Jun07.pdf (51.66 KB)
June 10, 2007
AEMP-1.pdf (17.88 MB)
May 30, 2007
AEMP-2-2.pdf (7.6 MB)
May 30, 2007
AEMP-3-1.pdf (38.08 MB)
May 30, 2007
AEMP-3-2.pdf (23.06 MB)
May 30, 2007
AEMP-4-5.pdf (14.5 MB)
May 30, 2007
AEMP-6-9.pdf (263.43 KB)
May 30, 2007
AEMP-appx2.pdf (11.14 MB)
May 30, 2007
AEMP-revised-May07.pdf (26.5 KB)
May 30, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP-Revised- TlichoReview-May28-07.pdf (1020.17 KB)
May 27, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP-RevisedRevReq-SubmitByJun1-07-May07.pdf (14.84 KB)
May 21, 2007
xxN7L2-1645-MV05L2-09-AEMP-Revised-OnWebsite-LtrMay15-07-Dist-May07.pdf (838.62 KB)
May 14, 2007
MV05L2-09-N7L2-1645-AEMP-BoardFollowup-Apr07.pdf (1.73 MB)
March 31, 2007
AEMP-TechnicalWorkshopMinutes-Mar07.pdf (1.12 MB)
February 28, 2007
AEMPWorkshopMaterials-Mar07.pdf (5.26 MB)
February 28, 2007
N7L2-1645-AEMP-FinalComments-Mar07.pdf (2.94 MB)
February 28, 2007
AEMP-InitialComments-Mar07.pdf (1.69 MB)
February 28, 2007
N7L2-1645-GLL50-805-AEMP-SRpt-SummaryRevCom-Mar07.pdf (363.77 KB)
February 28, 2007
DDMI_AEMP_ConsolidatedAppendices.pdf (21.33 MB)
January 31, 2007
N7L2-1645-EMAB-LtrJan22-PreWShop-AEMP-Feb07.pdf (190.97 KB)
January 21, 2007
N7L2-1645-RevisedAEMP-DraftToR-Dec06.pdf (1.74 MB)
November 30, 2006
MV05L2-09-EMAB-AEMP-Revision-Nov06.pdf (69.65 KB)
November 13, 2006
MV05L2-09-fax-EMAB-AEMP-revision-Nov06.pdf (109.87 KB)
November 13, 2006
MV05L2-09-EM-05AEMP-Extension-Oct06.pdf (368.7 KB)
September 30, 2006
ccMV05L2-09-EM-INAC-AEMP-Letter-Aug23-06.pdf (79.93 KB)
August 22, 2006
MV05L2-09-FaxCov-Workshop-AEMP-Jun06.pdf (322.14 KB)
June 28, 2006
MV05L209-06AEMP-TlichoReview-May06.pdf (3.8 MB)
June 28, 2006
RevisedAEMP-May06.pdf (12.97 MB)
June 28, 2006
AEMP- Revised May06.pdf (86.72 KB)
June 28, 2006
xxMV05L2-09-DistList-AEMP-Phase7000-Jun06.pdf (98.17 KB)
June 28, 2006
2_6_1-2_6_2.pdf (2.83 MB)
May 30, 2006
cover.pdf (91.88 KB)
May 30, 2006
xxMV2005L2-0009-EM-PowerAnalysisConferenceCall-May06.pdf (56.41 KB)
May 30, 2006
Appendices.pdf (4.98 MB)
May 30, 2006
fig1_1_1.pdf (3.05 MB)
May 30, 2006
xxMV05L2-09-N7L2-1645-FaxCov-Rescheduling-May06.pdf (253.39 KB)
May 30, 2006
xxMV2005L2-0009-EM-06AEMPpostedToWeb-May06.pdf (12.63 KB)
May 30, 2006
DTCRole-Feb06.pdf (118.8 KB)
February 27, 2006
N7L2-1645-ZajdlikBaselineDataPres-Jan06.pdf (8.64 MB)
December 31, 2005
AEMP 2005AEMPDataCompilation-Jan06.pdf (1.32 MB)
December 31, 2005
N7l2-1645-Ltr-ExtReqforAEMP-Dec05.pdf (254.34 KB)
November 30, 2005
N7L2-1645-EMAT-GLLReview-LimnologyRpt-Nov05.pdf (1.07 MB)
November 29, 2005
xxN7L2-1645-Fax-TonyPearse-DTCAgenda-Nov4-05.pdf (129.61 KB)
November 3, 2005
xxN7L2-1645-Fax-WildlifeLandsEnvir-IMA-DTCMeetingNove4-Oct05.pdf (148.78 KB)
November 3, 2005
MV2005L2-0009-N7L2-1645-EM-DCTMeetingNov4-Oct05.pdf (5.43 MB)
November 3, 2005
N7L2-1645-EM-DTC-Oct13-DraftAgenda.pdf (4.93 MB)
October 12, 2005
xxDTCMtg-Oct05.pdf (37.68 KB)
October 12, 2005
xxN7L2-1645-EM-MeetingReschedOct13-Oct05.pdf (48.98 KB)
October 12, 2005
N7L2-1645-Ltr-EMAB-AEMP-BaselineStatistics-Oct05.pdf (329.57 KB)
September 30, 2005
xxN7L2-1645-EM-DDMI-DTCmeetingCancelled-Sept 05.pdf (78.23 KB)
September 21, 2005
xxN7L2-1645-EM-DTC-MeetingReschedSept22-Oct05.pdf (41.82 KB)
September 21, 2005
xxN7L2-1645-EM-DTCMtgSched-Sept9-05.pdf (41.84 KB)
September 8, 2005
N7L12-1645-EM-Review2004AEMPRpt-Jul05.pdf (353.48 KB)
July 30, 2005
N7L2-1645-Ltr-SubmissionBaselineDatabase-Jun05.pdf (278.36 KB)
June 29, 2005
N7L2-1645-EM-DraftProtocolReview-Jun05.pdf (151.69 KB)
June 29, 2005
N7L2-1645-SRptJuly13-ProgressRpt1-PartHItem19-Jul05.pdf (228.46 KB)
June 12, 2005
N7L2-1645-Dist-Ltr-rptsforReviewAquaticEffects-May05.pdf (482.57 KB)
May 30, 2005
N7L2-1645-Ltr-DDMI_re_DIAND_revOf2000AEM_baseline_data-May05.pdf (121.7 KB)
May 30, 2005
N7L2-1645-Ltr-DDMIreINACComments-2000AEMRpt-May05.pdf (1.6 MB)
May 30, 2005
N7L2-1645-DTCAdvisoryDoc-May05.pdf (68.92 KB)
May 30, 2005
xxN7L2-1645-Fax-sent to LKFN-DTC-Correspondence-May05.pdf (157.51 KB)
May 30, 2005
N7L2-1645-EM-ROAExpertsGroupActivities-May05.pdf (12.31 KB)
May 30, 2005
N7L2-1645EM-DDMI2000DataCompil-Apr05.pdf (143.48 KB)
April 29, 2005
xxN7L2-1645-FaxCov-DTCCorrespondence-April05.pdf (214.69 KB)
April 29, 2005
N7L2-1645-LetterDistribListCDtoDTC-Apr05.pdf (53.06 KB)
April 29, 2005