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Discovery Mine: remediation.  


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6. Management Plans
Assorted Management Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2004X0052-Rpt-DiscoveryMineRemediationPlanJan05.pdf (12.61 MB)
A1.BorrowPitTech.Studies.pdf (21.62 MB)
A4.BorrowPitVegetation.pdf (675.16 KB)
B1.TailingsCoverVegetation.pdf (8.04 MB)
B2.TailingsCoverGeochemistry.pdf (14.61 MB)
C2.UGMineMineWater.pdf (159.29 KB)
D3.HazMatInventory.pdf (1.58 MB)
E1.LandfillDesign.pdf (7.58 MB)
G1.FirstNationsEvaluations.pdf (63.62 KB)
SupportingDocumentsContents.pdf (6.92 MB)
A2.BorrowPit2004Pumping.pdf (174.03 KB)
A3.BorrowPitPermafrost.pdf (7.18 MB)
A5.BorrowPitRemed.Plan.pdf (2.39 MB)
B3.TailingsCoverMainten.Plan.pdf (47.72 KB)
C1.UGMineOpenings.pdf (8.72 MB)
D1.PowerlineRemediation.pdf (2.3 MB)
D2.ESAInvestigation.pdf (770.6 KB)
F1.CompilationofInformation.pdf (13.29 MB)
F2.2004EMPWaterQuality.pdf (2.99 MB)
G2.ActivitiesListing.pdf (129.83 KB)