Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
S17P-005 |
S17L1-004 S17P-005 - Enbridge - Line 21 Maintenance - Appendix I - Project Description - Nov 23_17.pdf (1.4 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
S17P-005 |
S17L1-004 S17P-005 - Enbridge - Appendix VI - Engagement Letters - Nov 23_17.pdf (1.17 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
S17P-005 |
S17P-005 - Enbridge - Line 21 Maintenance Project - New LUP Application - Nov 23_17.pdf (512.7 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
S17P-005 |
S17L1-004 S17P-005 - Enbridge - Line 21 Maintenance - Appendix II - Site Photographs - Nov 23_17.pdf (1.06 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
S17P-005 |
S17L1-004 S17P-005 - Enbridge - Line 21 Maintenance - Appendix III - Waste Management Plan Version 1.0 - Nov 23_17.pdf (1.72 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
S17P-005 |
S17L1-004 S17P-005 - Enbridge - Appendix IV - Spill Contingency Plan Version 1.0 - Nov 23_17.pdf (2.28 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
S17P-005 |
S17L1-004 S17P-005 - Enbridge - Appendix V - Project Diagram - Nov 23_17.pdf (633.08 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
S17P-005 |
S17L1-004 S17P-005 - Enbridge - Line 21 Integrity Dig Saline River - Appendix A - Site Maps - Nov 23_17.pdf (971.09 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge - External Work Plan V.3.pdf (383.88 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge - Update LUP and WL Application - Sept22-17.pdf (5.99 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge - External Work Plan V.2.pdf (383.79 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge - Pre-Hearing Conference Meeting Notes - Sept 15_17.pdf (322.16 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L10002 - Enbridge Pipelines - News North Newspaper Ad - Aug 28_17.pdf (1 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 - Enbridge - DRAFT Permit Conditions V.2.pdf (490.79 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge - External Work Plan V.1.pdf (383.84 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge - Review Comments on Draft Work Plan - Aug 16_17.pdf (826.17 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge - DRAFT External Work Plan V.1.pdf (393.08 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc - Response to Information Request 1 - Jun7-17.pdf (136.41 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge Pipelines NW Inc - Information Request 1 - Section 157-1 MVRMA - May31-17.pdf (289.47 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge - Participation of Board Chair in Board Decision-Making - May 15_17.pdf (429.03 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge Pipelines - Supplemental Informatoin - Biophysical Assessment Report - Apr 4_17.pdf (14.42 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge Pipelines - Supplemental Informatoin - Revised Appendix II and VII - Apr 25_17.pdf (18.64 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 - Enbridge Pipelines - DRAFT Permit Conditions - Apr 21_17.pdf (796.54 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 - Enbridge Pipelines - DRAFT Estimated Security Template - Apr 21_17.pdf (571.42 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge Pipelines - Complete Application.pdf (329.54 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017L1-0002 MV2017P0013 - Enbridge Pipelines - Application - Request for Comment - Apr19-20.pd.pdf (106.97 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge Pipelines - Receipt for LUP and WL Application fee - C0153028 - Apr13-17.pdf (229.77 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 MV2017L1-0002 - Enbridge Pipelines - Incomplete Application - Mar 31_17.pdf (324.01 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2017P0013 |
MV2017P0013 - Enbridge Pipelines - New LUP Application - Mar23-17.pdf (39.45 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Updated Request for withdrawal of select land use areas - Jul18-13.pdf (419.56 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Staff Report for Type A LUP Renewal - Jul18-13.pdf (2.65 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Request for withdrawal of select land use areas - Jul17-13.pdf (166.83 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Update on status of Traditional Ecological knowledge studies - Jul10-13.pdf (44.88 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Status of access discussions for Sahtu private lands in Tulita District - Jul10-13.pdf (74.51 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Update on response to Engagement plan - Jul9-13.pdf (78.85 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Update on NEB process for pipeline abandonment financial issues - Jul8-13.pdf (73.79 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Additional information on campsite buildings and fuel storage - Jul3-13.pdf (268.12 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - LUP Application - Additional information including revised Appendix D for SCP - Jun13-13.pdf (878.29 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - LUP Application deemed complete- Jun7-13.pdf (89.47 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Staff Report for consideration of Confidential Document - Jun6-13.pdf (103.06 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - LUP Application - Additional information including revised appendix VI - Jun6-13.pdf (1.01 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - LUP Application - Additional Information including revised Appendix I - Jun6-13.pdf (964.11 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Confidentiality Request Approved - Jun6-13.pdf (91.94 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - New LUP Application - May29-13.pdf (3.28 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Receipt for LUP Application and Land Use fees - May29-13.pdf (57.58 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Engagement Record and Plan - May29-13.pdf (2.74 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Spill Contingency Plan no Appendix F - May29-13.pdf (3.81 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Waste Management Plan no Appendix A - May29-13.pdf (3.17 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - Maps for SCP Appendix F and WMP Appendix A - May29-13.pdf (30.31 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - LUP Application Maps - Version 4 - Part 2 - Apr 2_13.pdf (11.64 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2013P0011 |
MV2013P0011 - Enbridge - LUP Application Maps - Version 4 - Part 1 - Apr 2_13.pdf (9.07 MB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2006P0021 |
MV2006P0021 MV2006L1-0005 - Paramount - General Consulting on Permitting plans - Feb27-13.pdf (392.93 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge Clarification - Campsite Use at K 102 Winter 2012-12 - Dec11-12.pdf (99.21 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV2006P0018 -Enbridge - Resonse to inquiry about GIS data submission requirements - Jun9-10.pdf (129.55 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV2006P0018 - Enbridge - Inquiry about GIS data submission requirements- May31-0.pdf (26.37 KB) |
Strategic Oil and Gas Ltd. |
MV2006P0033 |
MV06P33-Application-Oct06.pdf (292.98 KB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2009P0046 |
MV2009P0046 - Application Withdrawal - Nov03-09.pdf (7.33 KB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2009P0046 |
MV2009P0046 - Application Deemed Incomplete - Nov02-09.pdf (254.98 KB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2009P0046 |
MV2009P0046 - LUP Application - Oct26-09.pdf (5.44 MB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2006P0021 |
MV06P21 Quarry Permit 2008QP0100 Dec30-08.pdf (163.5 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV2006P0018 - Geotechnical Review Meeting - 2007 - 02Apr-08.pdf (106.61 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. |
MV2002P0009 |
MV2002P0009AppFeb02.pdf (1.56 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-MV02P09-fax-PKFN-ConcernswithRepairProject-Jan07.pdf (691.96 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-EM-RevisedScope-Dec06.pdf (1.72 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-KP311-PipelineReplacementProject-Oct06.pdf (1.65 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-EM-ProposedReplacementProject-Sept06.pdf (114.52 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-EM-ReplacementProject-Sept06.pdf (40 KB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2006P0021 |
MV06P21-CompleteLtr-Aug06.pdf (163.38 KB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2006P0021 |
MV06P21-Application-Aug06.pdf (1.75 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-EM-LettertoSahtuSecretariat-Aug06.pdf (104.99 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-fax-SLWB-EnviroAgreement-Aug06.pdf (454.02 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-ResponsetoSLWB-Aug06.pdf (67.21 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-CompleteAppLtr-Jul06.pdf (333.72 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-EM-NotestoFile-Jul06.pdf (1.7 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-fax-SLWB-Response-App-Jul06.pdf (1.02 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-StaffRpt-Transboundary-Jul06.pdf (206.19 KB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-Application-Jul06.pdf (5.79 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-Application-Maps-Jul06.pdf (28.31 MB) |
Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. |
MV2006P0018 |
MV06P18-EM-RequestforExemption-Jul06.pdf (202.08 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
MV2005P0014 |
MV2005P0014-MV2005L8-0005-receiptApps-May05.pdf (178.25 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
MV2005P0013 |
MV05P13 - Application - Private Lands - GSA (ExternalSite).html (3.24 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
MV2005P0026 |
MV05P26 - MGPApplication - PrivateLands - SSA(ExternalSite).html (3.26 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
MV2005P0014 |
MV05P14 - Application - Crown Lands - GSA.html (3.24 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
MV2005P0024 |
MV05P24 - MGPApplication - DehCho (ExternalSite).html (3.23 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
MV2005P0027 |
MV05P27 - MGPApplication - CrownLands - SSA(ExternalSite).html (3.24 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Application - Geotechnical Investigation Program - Apr 08_03.pdf (7.2 MB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Application - Sahtu Settlement Area - Feb 17_03.pdf (268.96 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Letter Deemed Not Complete - Feb 13_03.pdf (1.52 MB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Additional Information Required - Jan 16_03.pdf (919.16 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - 2003 Winter Geotechnical Investigation - Jan 10_03.pdf (407.91 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Deemed Not Complete - Dec 18_02.pdf (668.6 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Mackenzie Gas Project Meeting Minutes - Nov 27_02.pdf (493.36 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Deemed Not Complete - Nov 27_02.pdf (686.91 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Incomplete Application from MVLWB - Nov 26_02.pdf (644.61 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Application - Nov 22_02.pdf (554.77 KB) |
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. |
S02P-003 |
S02P-003 - Mackenzie Delta Gas Producers Meeting - Oct 23_02.pdf (450.06 KB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2002P0072 |
MV2002P0072 - Extension Application Received - Oct02.pdf (951.41 KB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2000P0055 |
MV2000A0055 - Application Received - Apr20-01.pdf (693.68 KB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2000P0055 |
MV2000P0055 - Environmental Impact Assessment - Apr-01.pdf (6.79 MB) |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
MV2000P0055 |
MV2000P0055 - Application Deemed Incomplete - Mar09-01.pdf (84.88 KB) |