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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Engineering and Scientific Support Services

The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB), Sahtu Land and Water Board (SLWB), Gwich’in Land and Water Board (GLWB), and Wek’eezhii Land and Water Board (WLWB) are requesting a statement of qualifications from contractors to supply engineering and scientific support services on an as-and-when needed basis.

Statement of Qualifications

The main body of the Statement of Qualifications is not to exceed 20 pages and the entire submission, including appendices, is not to exceed 90 pages. CVs of each proposed resource will not exceed 2 pages. Responses should include the following:

  • A company profile, including a summary of technical services that your organization specializes in and a description of experience relating to northern development, projects, and issues;
  • A list of all northern projects the company has worked on in an effort to identify possible conflicts of interest;
  • Qualifications and experience of individuals who will be providing specialized engineering and scientific support services;
  • Hourly and daily rates for each individual; and
  • Each proposal must identify a point of contact.

Interested contractors will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of and experience with: The Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, the northern co-management system, northern resource development sectors, and Land Claim Agreements. 

Please note the following responses to inquiries:

Q: Is the 20-page limit inclusive of proposed team member resumes and company rep projects, or can these be included in an Appendix?

A: The main body of the Statement of Qualifications is not to exceed 20 pages and the entire submission, including appendices, is not to exceed 90 pages. CVs of each proposed resource will not exceed 2 pages. Responses should include the following:

  • A company profile, including a summary of technical services that your organization specializes in and a description of experience relating to northern development, projects, and issues;
  • A list of all northern projects the company has worked on in an effort to identify possible conflicts of interest;
  • Qualifications and experience of individuals who will be providing specialized engineering and scientific support services;
  • Hourly and daily rates for each individual; and
  • Each proposal must identify a point of contact.

Q: For the list of all northern projects that the company has worked on to identify possible conflict of interest;

a) How far back do you require us to list projects for? 
b) Do you require the list to include projects from all three Territories, or are you looking for projects completed within the Northwest Territories?

A: Please include any major projects in the Northwest Territories over the last 10 years.

Q: Do you expect to see a CV for each person (at all levels – Senior, Intermediate, Junior), or CVs for key staff and a summary table with all potential staff outlining qualifications?

A: Please only include resumes for key staff. A summary table for other staff is sufficient.


The Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley conduct preliminary screenings and issue Land Use Permits and Water Licences. These authorizations are issued for a variety of undertakings in sectors including, but not limited to: mining and milling, power generation, municipal operations, oil and gas, transportation, remediation, and other industrial activities.

Technical Areas of Expertise

Throughout the processing and review of applications, renewals or amendments to Land Use Permits and/or Water Licences, the Boards may seek technical support in a range of areas of expertise including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Geochemistry and Acid Mine Drainage / Metal Leaching
  • Mine Water Management
  • Geotechnical Engineering and Permafrost
  • Mine Abandonment, Restoration, and Closure
  • Geothermal Modelling
  • Containment Chemistry and Transport
  • Risk Assessment
  • Aquatic Chemistry and Toxicology
  • Aquatic Effects Monitoring Programs
  • Biophysical Environment
  • Hydrology and Hydrogeology
  • Civil Engineering (related to construction of earthworks and roads)
  • Calculation and Evaluation of Financial Security

 Reviews of Management Plans

After authorizations are issued by the Boards, Licensees and Permitees are often required to submit various management plans. Technical Support can be required for the review of these plans. Plans typically required by the Board under the conditions of Water Licences and Land Use Permits include, but are not limited to:

  • Waste Management Plans
  • Waste Rock Management Plans
  • Interim and Final Closure and Reclamation Plans
  • Groundwater Monitoring Plans
  • Geochemical Characterization Plans
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control Plans

 Policy and Guideline Development

The Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley are also involved in the development of guidelines and policies that are applied during and/or referred to in the regulatory process. Technical Support is often sought for the development or update of these guidelines. Existing guidelines can be found on the Boards’ websites. These guidelines are often developed in conjunction with other regulators or stakeholders within the Mackenzie Valley.

Submission Requirements

Interested parties should submit a Statement of Qualifications that is no more than twenty pages in length and includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • A company profile, including a summary of technical services that your organization specializes in and a description of experience relating to northern development, projects, and issues;
  • A list of all northern projects the company has worked on in an effort to identify possible conflicts of interest;
  • Qualifications and experience of individuals who will be providing specialized engineering and scientific support services;
  • Hourly and daily rates for each individual; and
  • Each proposal must identify a point of contact.

Criteria for Evaluation

  • Relevant work experience;
  • Technical expertise and qualifications of team members; and
  • Special consideration will be given to companies with staff and an office in the Northwest Territories.

One electronic copy (pdf format) of your proposal must be received at the MVLWB office at the address below or via e-mail before 5:00 PM MT on Friday, March 17, 2017. 

Heather Scott
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board                                
7th Floor, 4910- 50th Avenue                                              
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P6

Phone: (867) 766-7463


Updated: 28/02/2017
