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Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. - W2024D0006

​This Permit entitles the Permittee to conduct the following land-use operation to support the Sable Underground Development:

a) extraction of waste rock resulting from construction of a portal, decline to the first production level, and fresh air raise;
b) placement of waste rock into the Sable waste rock storage areas;
c) installation and operation of supporting equipment and infrastructure;
d) storage of fuels; and
e) associated and supporting activities
Early works for initial portal construction phase of the Sable Undergournd Development.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
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Ekati - Sable UG - Early Works Permit - Amendment - Dec 2_24.pdf (381.87 KB)
Ekati -Sable UG - Early Works Permit - Jul 9_24.pdf (615.86 KB)
Ekati -Sable UG - Early Works Permit - Reasons for Decision - Jul 9_24.pdf (498.64 KB)