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Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. - W2024D0005

​This Permit entitles the Permittee to conduct the following land-use operation to support the Sable Development:

a) extraction of waste rock and kimberlite ore from the Sable Pit;
b) construction of waste rock storage areas;
c) construction of a kimberlite ore storage pad;
d) construction activities associated with water sedimentation pond and water containment dam;
e) construction of site roads and lay down areas;
f) construction and operation of supporting infrastructure;
g) storage of fuels;
h) extraction of waste rock and kimberlite ore from the Sable Underground Development; and
i) use of machinery and equipment to support operations.


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Technical Session
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ekati - Sable UG - Information Request 10 - Jul 31_24.pdf (246.43 KB)
Ekati - Sable UG - Technical Session - Arctic Response to Information Requests - Jul 31_24.pdf (1.01 MB)
Ekati - Sable UG - Technical Session - Information Requests - Jul 24_24.pdf (173.78 KB)
Ekati - Sable UG - Technical Session - Agenda - Jul 10_24.pdf (307.15 KB)