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Tlicho Government - W2022X0002

This Permit entitles the Permittee to conduct the following land-use operation:a) Construction, maintenance, and operation of an all-season road to access Whatì Waterfalls;b) construction, maintenance, and operation of tourism and recreational facilities near the Whatì Waterfalls;c) Use of stationary, power-driven machinery;d) Use of power-driven, earth drilling machinery;e) Use of vehicles and equipment for quarrying, crushing, and stockpiling of granular material;f) Use of equipment;g) Establishment of a petroleum fuel storage facility; andh) Use of a temporary campsite.

​Whati Falls Project. Application to upgrade fencing and trails at a lookout area near the Whati falls.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
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Whati Falls Improvement Project - Land Use Permit - Reasons for Decision - Apr 18_22.pdf (414.39 KB)
Whati Falls Improvement Project - Land Use Permit - Apr 18_22.pdf (454.53 KB)