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CIRNAC-CARD - W2021L8-0003

This Licence entitles Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada – Contaminants and Remediation Directorate (CIRNAC-CARD), to dispose of Waste for the long-term water management and environmental monitoring activities associated with the Remediation and Reclamation of the abandoned mining and milling operations at the Colomac Mine, located at Baton Lake near Indin Lake, Northwest Territories (Latitude 64° 23’ 42” N and Longitude 115° 07’ 16”W) and along the Kim-Cass access road.​

The Project is for the Colomac Long Term Monitoring at Colomac Mine Site.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
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Colomac - Water Licence - Rectification of Clerical Error - SNP Annex - Nov 29_24.pdf (654.44 KB)
Colomac - Water Licence - Updated SNP Annex - Aug 30_22.pdf (461.51 KB)
Colomac - Licence and Permit - Reasons for Decision - Jan 24_22.pdf (571.03 KB)
Colomac - Issuance Letter and Water Licence - Jan 24_22.pdf (529.32 KB)