CIRNAC-CARD - W2020X0005
Land Use Permit
November 18, 2021
November 17, 2026
Anneli Jokela
This Permit entitles the Permittee to conduct the following land-use operation associated with theRayrock Remediation Project in the area as described in the Type A Land Use Permit Applicationsubmitted September 21, 2020:
a)Removal and shipping or burial of hazardous and non-hazardous waste in the Confined DisposalFacility; maintenance of Tailings Containment Areas and Decommissioned Waste Dump; ShermanLake dock expansion; repairs to caps for Tailings Containment Areas and decommissioned WasteDump, incineration or stockpiling for off-site disposal of waste from Camp operations; closure ofRayrock vent raises and Sun Rose mine shaft; capping waste rock and exploration workings at SunRose site; backfilling of trenches and blasted areas at Horn Plateau – REX Showing site; cappingexploration workings at Horn Plateau – REX Showing site; burial or trucking out of soil withhazardous chemicals from exploration sites; removal of hazardous waste at barge landing andpower line sites; removal of non-hazardous waste from exploration sites; excavation and on-sitedisposal of spilled tailings; brush and vegetation clearing for access roads; access roaddevelopment and maintenance; camp establishment at Rayrock and Sun Rose sites; treatmentand encapsulation of Mill Lake sediments; encapsulation of soil, tailings, and waste rock inConfined Disposal Facility; burial of radiological-impacted debris in Confined Disposal Facility; off-site disposal of debris and materials within safe shipping limits for Uranium;b)Use of vehicles and/or machines;c)Storage of fuel;d)Use of self-propelled motorized machines for moving or clearing land;e)Blasting, drilling, and quarrying;f)Storage and use of explosives;g)Construction and maintenance of a winter road connecting the Rayrock site to winter roadalignments with crossings at either the Emile (north of Wekweètı/Gamètı junction) or the Marianriver;h)Construction and maintenance of a winter road connecting to the Sun Rose site;i)Pioneer site roads and trails;j)Establishment of a camp; andk)Remediation activities as outlined in the approved Remedial Action Plan.
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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Document | Received/Sent | Uploaded |
Rayrock - Preliminary Screening - Determination and Notification - Apr 15_21.pdf (467.45 KB) | ||
Rayrock - Preliminary Screening - Determination and Notification - Jan 14_21.pdf (602.38 KB) |
3. Amendment Application
Document | Received/Sent | Uploaded |
Rayrock - Amendment - Preliminary Screening - Determination and Notification - March 13_24.pdf (234.33 KB) | ||
Rayrock - Amendment - Preliminary Screening - Determination and Notification - Apr 19_23.pdf (354.81 KB) |