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CIRNAC-CARD - W2020L8-0003

This Licence entitles the Licensee to use Water and deposit Waste for remediation activities at the Rayrock Remediation Project in the area as described in the Type A Water Licence Application submitted September 21, 2020. The scope of this Licence includes the following:

a) Blasting, quarrying, and drilling activities for remediation activities; removal andshipping or burial of hazardous and non-hazardous waste in the ConfinedDisposal Facility; maintenance of Tailings Containment Areas andDecommissioned Waste Dump; Sherman Lake dock expansion; repairs to capsfor Tailings Containment Areas and decommissioned Waste Dump, incinerationor stockpiling for off-site disposal of waste from Camp operations; closure ofRayrock vent raises and Sun Rose mine shaft; capping waste rock andexploration workings at Sun Rose site; backfilling of trenches and blasted areasat Horn Plateau – REX Showing site; capping exploration workings at HornPlateau – REX Showing site; burial or trucking out of soil with hazardouschemicals from exploration sites; removal of hazardous waste at barge landingand power line sites; removal of non-hazardous waste from exploration sites;storage and use of explosives; excavation and on-site disposal of spilled tailings;brush and vegetation clearing for access roads; access road development andmaintenance; camp establishment at Rayrock and Sun Rose sites; use andregrading of quarry areas; fuel storage for operations; use of light and heavyequipment on site; treatment and encapsulation of Mill Lake sediments;encapsulation of soil, tailings, and waste rock in Confined Disposal Facility;burial of radiological-impacted debris in Confined Disposal Facility; off-sitedisposal of debris and materials within safe shipping limits for Uranium;removal and disposal of concrete foundations; sewage disposal; andremediation activities as approved in the Remedial Action Plan;b) Withdrawal of Water for use in camp operations, dust control, washing, winterroad construction, and remediation activities as approved in the RemedialAction Plan;c) Dewatering of Mill Lake to Waste Water Treatment Facility before deposit inSherman Lake,d) Depositing of Waste to Confined Disposal Facility and the Camp sump;e) Construction, operation, and maintenance of ice bridges to cross the EmileRiver or the Marian River;f) Construction, operation and maintenance of culverts to allow winter roadpassage;g) Construction, operation and maintenance of the Confined Disposal Facility andSun Main Waste Rock Cover; and
h) Closure and Reclamation activities for the remediation and monitoring of theRayrock project sites.

Rayrock Mine Remedial Action Plan (Rayrock Remediation Project).


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Rayrock - Notification - Seasonal Site Demobilization - Oct 18_24.pdf (232.08 KB)
Rayrock - Notification - CWWTP EQC Exceedance - Sep 11_24.pdf (263.67 KB)
Rayrock - Email String - Update on Camp Wastewater Containment Structure - Sep 6_24.pdf (10.07 MB)
Rayrock - Email String - Update on Camp Wastewater Containment Structure - Aug 23_24.pdf (866.16 KB)
Rayrock - Notification - Authorization to Discharge Compliant Water to Sherman Lake - Aug 9_24.pdf (259.48 KB)
Rayrock - Notification - Water Samples Analysis Results - Jul 30_24.pdf (487.41 KB)
Rayrock - Notification - Advanced Notice PWTP Discharge to Mill Lake - Jul 29_24.pdf (265.29 KB)
Rayrock - Notification - Update on Concentrations Exceeding AEMP High Action Levels - Jul 17_24.pdf (200.34 KB)
Rayrock - Email String - Treated Wastewater Exceeding EQC - Jul 9_24.pdf (375.74 KB)
Rayrock - Notification - Concentrations Exceeding AEMP High Action Levels - June 28_24.pdf (153.34 KB)
Rayrock - Notification - Commencement of Construction of Confined Disposal Facility - Jun 28_24.pdf (318.91 KB)
Rayrock - Update on Unauthorized Construction of Wastewater Containment Structure - Jul 2_24.pdf (672.85 KB)
Rayrock - Email String - Update on Unauthorized Construction of Wastewater Containment Structure -Jul 2_24.pdf (155.76 KB)
Rayrock - Email String - Unauthorized Construction and Use of Wastewater Containment Structure - June 14_24.pdf (6.88 MB)
Rayrock - Notification - Unauthorized Construction and Use of Wastewater Containment Structure - Jun 10_24.pdf (6.86 MB)
Rayrock - Notification - Update on Sewage Disposal - May 29_24.pdf (155.42 KB)
Rayrock - Certificate of Analysis - Guideline Evaluation - Nov 17_23.pdf (489.1 KB)
Rayrock - Email String - Certificate of Analysis - Guideline Evaluation - Nov 17_23.pdf (211.5 KB)
Rayrock - CWWTP Results Analysis and Request for Discharge From SNP 1663-11 - Nov 06_23.pdf (114.99 KB)
Rayrock - Notification - Intention to Commence Winter Road Construction - Feb 1_23.pdf (96.16 KB)