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Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. - W2020L2-0004

​Diamond mining and milling at the Ekati Mine. Water Use and Waste Disposal.

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Licence, the Licensee may divert water from Upper Panda Lake to Kodiak Lake, and use water and dispose of Waste for the purpose of mining the Panda, Koala, Koala North, Misery, Fox, and Jay kimberlite pipes, for operating the processing facilities and related infrastructure, and carrying out Reclamation associated with diamond mining within the Koala, Misery, King-Cujo, Desperation-Carrie, and Lac du Sauvage Watersheds of the Lac de Gras basin, Northwest Territories.This Licence entitles the Licensee to use water, Dewater Sable, Pigeon, and Beartooth Lakes for the purpose of mining, to Drawdown Two Rock Lake, divert Pigeon Stream around the Pigeon pit, pipe water from Bearclaw Lake outflow around Beartooth pit, and deposit Processed Kimberlite into a Processed Kimberlite Containment Area for the purpose of creating a pit lake. The Licensee may also dispose of Waste for industrial undertakings in diamond mining and processing, production, Reclamation and associated uses in the Koala, Pigeon, and Sable watersheds, Northwest Territories as shown on Figure 6, 8, & 10 of the Class A Water Licence and Land Use Permits supporting documents, submitted August 21, 2001.This Licence entitles the Licensee to Dewater Lynx Lake, use water, dispose of Waste, and divert runoff around the Lynx pit, for the purposes of mining the Lynx kimberlite pipe and carrying out Reclamation of the Lynx Development.This Licence also entitles the Licensee to Dewater a portion of Lac du Sauvage, use water, dispose of Waste, and divert streams B0 and Ac35 around the perimeter of the Dewatered area, for the purposes of mining the Jay kimberlite pipe and carrying out Reclamation of the Jay Development, as shown in Map 3.1-3 of the Updated Project Description submitted June 7, 2016.This Licence also entitles the Licensee to use water, dispose of Waste, and divert Groundwater inflows for the purposes of underground mining of the Misery kimberlite pipe and carrying out Reclamation of the Misery Underground Development, as described in the Application submitted August 15, 2017 and the additional information submitted during the regulatory process.The activities listed above are to be conducted as described in the Environmental Impact Assessments.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ekati - CRP Version 3.1 - Response to IR - Winter Road Access - Nov 10_23.pdf (316.6 KB)
Ekati - CRP Version 3.1 - IR to Arctic and DDMI - Winter Road Access Costs - Oct 25_23.pdf (217.56 KB)
Ekati - CRP Version 3.1 - IR to DeBeers - Winter Road Access Costs - Oct 25_23.pdf (257.5 KB)
Ekati - Security - IR to GNWT - Winter Access Costs - Updated Response - Oct 13_23.pdf (316.81 KB)
Ekati -GNWT Letter to Arctic - Re security deposit acceptance - Aug 15_23.pdf (345.04 KB)
Ekati - Security - GNWT IR Response - Winter Access Costs - Jun 16_23.pdf (196.54 KB)
Ekati - Changes to Authorizations to Reflect Security Decision - Reasons for Decision - May 18_23.pdf (259.24 KB)
Ekati - Proposed Changes to Authorizations to Reflect Security Decision - Notification to Parties - May 2_23.pdf (125.65 KB)
Ekati - Proposed Changes to Authorizations to Reflect Security Decision - Apr 20_23.pdf (988.06 KB)
Ekati - Proposed Changes to Authorizations to Reflect Security Decision - RECLAIM - Apr (455.94 KB)
Ekati - GNWT Request to Adjust Security - Reasons for Decision - Mar 21_23.pdf (297.77 KB)
Ekati - Security - IR to GNWT - Winter Access Costs - Mar 21_23.pdf (237.43 KB)
Ekati - GNWT-ENR-Letter to Arctic- Security Acceptance Letter - Jan 10_23.pdf (1.25 MB)
Ekati - GNWT Request to Adjust Security - RECLAIM - Nov (397.86 KB)
Ekati - GNWT Request to Adjust Security - Arctic Response - Dec 23_22.pdf (792.07 KB)
Ekati - GNWT Request to Adjust Security - Arctic Response - RECLAIM - Dec (452.45 KB)
Ekati - GNWT Request to Adjust Security - Nov 7_22.pdf (197.15 KB)
Ekati - GNWT Request to Adjust Security - Consultant Memo - Nov 7_22.pdf (605.8 KB)
Ekati - Water Use Fees 2023-2024 - Renewal Application - GNWT Letter - Oct 28_22.pdf (230.06 KB)
Ekati - Water Use Fees 2022-2023 - Jul 13_22.pdf (557.15 KB)
Ekati - GNWT-ENR letter to Arctic - Re Security deposit for Point Lake - Jul 6_22.pdf (329.89 KB)
Ekati - RECLAIM Estimate - Point Lake Project Update - Jun 16_22.xlsx (474.05 KB)
Ekati - GNWT-ENR letter to Arctic - Re Security deposit for Sable - Jun 16_22.pdf (397.92 KB)
Ekati - Point Lake Security Phasing Proposal - May 18_22.pdf (329.46 KB)
Ekati - Water Use Fees 2021-2022 - Mar 31_22.pdf (106.72 KB)
Ekati - GNWT-ENR Letter to Arctic - Re Security Deposits - Sep 3_21.pdf (1.03 MB)