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BFR Copper & Gold Inc. - W2020C0003

(This Permit was previously permitted under Permit W2013C0002).
This permit entitles BFR Copper & Gold Inc. to conduct the following activities:Mineral exploration includinga) The use of drills;b) The construction, maintenance and use of winter roads and access trails;c) The use of vehicles and equipment;d) The establishment of a camp; ande) The establishment of fuel caches.
The Project is for Mineral Exploration and is located in the Mazenod Lake area, NT.Minimum Lat: 63° 36’ 15.9” N Minimum Long: 116° 51’ 01.5” WMaximum Lat: 63° 44’ 10.9” N Maximum Long: 117° 02’ 16.4” W


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Mazenod Project - Land Use Permit - Issuance Letter - May 6_20.pdf (207.96 KB)
Mazenod Project - Land Use Permit - May 6_20.pdf (398.14 KB)
Mazenod Project - Land Use Permit - Reasons for Decision - May 6_20.pdf (419.75 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Mazenod Project - Security Deposit - Aug 18_20.pdf (488.41 KB)
Mazenod Project - GNWT Letter to BFR - Re Security Deposit Transfer from W2013C0002 to W2020C0003 - Jun 25_20.pdf (543.36 KB)