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Nighthawk Gold Corp. - W2018L2-0003

(This Licence was previously Licensed under Licence W2010L1-0002).
This Licence entitles Nighthawk Gold Corp. to use water and dispose of Waste for the purpose of mineral exploration and closure and reclamation in the mid-central Northwest Territories. This undertaking is described in the Complete Application and includes the following:i. advanced mineral exploration, including the use of satellite camps occupied by up to 15 persons and use of water for drilling.ii. maintenance, reclamation, and closure, including management of waste rock, ore, and underground portal, and any associated Seepage or discharge of water;iii. use and storage of explosives for trenching and bulk sampling if required;iv. construction, operation, and maintenance of winter roads and spur roads; andv. use and storage of fuel.
The Project is for Industrial - Water Use and Waste Disposal and is located at Damoti Lake, Spider Lake, Diversified Mine, and areas surrounding Colomac Mine Site, NT.

Licence Cancelled on July 6, 2023


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - Water Licence (non-federal) - Cancellation - Jul 6_23.pdf (510.15 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - Water Licence (non-federal) - Cancellation - Decision Letter - Jul 7_23.pdf (248.6 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - Water Licence (non-federal) - SNP Change - Sep 22_22.pdf (368.31 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - LUP and WL Amendment - Reasons for Decision - May 3_21.pdf (378.49 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - Water Licence (non-federal) - Amendment - May 3_21.pdf (415.58 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - WL Amendment - Reasons For Decision - Jun 18_20.pdf (372.25 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - Amended Water Licence (non-federal).pdf (412.7 KB)
W2018L2-0002 - Nighthawk - WL Amendment - Issuance Letter - Jun 18_20.pdf (179.62 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - Water Licence (non-federal) - SNP update.pdf (407.03 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - SNP update - Decision Letter - Jun 25_19.pdf (146.68 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - General Procedures for the Administration of Licences - Feb 15_19.pdf (619.18 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - Issuance Letter - Feb 15_19.pdf (590.73 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - Water Licence (non-federal) - Feb 15_19.pdf (861.41 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - LUP and WL applications - Reasons for Decision - Jan 24_19.pdf (927.66 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - Security Deposit - ILOC - GNWT Acknowledges Receipt - Jul 16_19.pdf (197.83 KB)
SNP Program
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - SNP Change Request - Inspector Recommendation - Sep 14_22.pdf (104.42 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - SNP Change Request - Decision Letter - May 25_22.pdf (121.1 KB)
W2018L2-0003 - Nighthawk - SNP Change Request - 5-10 - Apr 14_22.pdf (235.04 KB)