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Nor-West Rotors Ltd. - W2018C0004

(This Permit was previously permitted under Permits W2010C0001 and MV2001H0025).
This Permit entitles Nor-West Rotors Ltd. to conduct the following land-use operation:1. The operation and maintenance of an existing camp (Norm’s Camp) and satellite camps;
2. Storage of fuel;
3. Construction, use, and maintenance of a winter road;
4. Use of equipment; and
5. Mineral exploration including diamond drilling and RC drilling.
The Project is for Mineral Exploration and is located in the Yamba and Exeter Lake area, NT.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
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Document Received/Sent Uploaded
W2018C0004 - Nor-West Rotors - Cancellation of Mineral Tenure - Oct 25_24.pdf (1.01 MB)
W2018C0004 - Nor-West Rotors - Cancellation of Mineral Tenure - Nov 8_24.pdf (358.35 KB)
W2018C0004 - Nor-West Rotors - Cancellation of Mineral Tenure - Oct 18_24.pdf (1.3 MB)