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Dominion Diamond Mines ULC - W2013L2-0001

In addition to exising Ekati mine components, the Lynx project will require: a new access road to Lynx Lake site (near Misery Pit and Lac de Gras), expansion of Misery waste rock storage area, fish removal and dewatering of Lynx Lake, dewatering and minewater pipeline from Lynx Lake to Desperation Pond, possible construction of deflection structure, and excavation of the Lynx open pit.


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Technical Session
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
W2013L2-0001 - Ekati Lynx - Response to Information Requests from Technical Session - Dec 19_13.pdf (1.86 MB)
W2013L2-0001 - Ekati Lynx - Response to IR4 from Technical Session - Dec 19_13.xlsx (218.13 KB)
W2013L2-0001 - Ekati Lynx - WLWB Information Requests from Technical Session - Dec 5_13.pdf (374.93 KB)
W2013L2-0001 - Ekati Lynx - DDEC Presentation for Technical Session - Dec 3_13.pdf (3.32 MB)