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SNC-Lavalin Inc. - W2010S0007

Geotechnical investigation for a feasibility for a 13MW hydroelectric plant located at the La Marte Falls.  The investigation requires the drilling of between 8 and 10 holes, 2 inches in diameter and 10 metres deep.  Core samples will be removed for analysis and packer testing performed.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
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W2010S0007 - SNC Lavalin - LUP Application - Preliminary Screening and Reasons for Decision - Jan 26_11.pdf (228.21 KB)
W2010S0007 - SNC Lavalin - Type A LUP Issuance - NO SECURITY - Feb 1_11.pdf (64.79 KB)
W2010S0007 - SNC Lavalin - Land Use Permit - Jan 26_11.pdf (133.56 KB)