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Délįnę Got’įnę Government - S25S-002

​The OGG has contracted Northwest Hydraulic Consultant Services to perform geotechnical drilling for a feasible study for the Project located on the Great Bear River near DeJ,nE:, Northwest Territories. The exploration drilling program will consist of a minimum of up to 6 boreholes. The boreholes will up to a depth of 30 m or until confirmation of bedrock. Drilling pads will be prepared in suitable cleared areas. The purpose of the geotechnical investigation is to determine the presence and thickness of permafrost by penetrating and sampling frozen sediments.

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 25
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S25S-002 - DGG - Issuance Package - Mar4_25.pdf (1.25 MB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S25S-002 - DGG - LUP Application Fee Receipt - Mar 4_25.pdf (410.51 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - SLUP Conformity Requirements - V3.0 - Feb17_25.pdf (241.82 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Closure and Reclamation Plan - V2.0 - Feb13_25.pdf (534.94 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Spill Contingency Plan - V2.0 - Feb13_25.pdf (1.25 MB)
S25S-002 - Draft Land Use Permit Conditions - Jan15_25.docx (70.03 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Engagement Plan - V1.1 - Jan15_24.pdf (643.74 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Spill Contigency Plan - V1.0 - Jan13_25.pdf (1.56 MB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Engagement Plan - V1.0 - Jan13_24.pdf (643.47 KB)
S25S-002 - Waste Management Plan - V1.0 - Jan13_25.pdf (709.28 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Land Use Permit Application - Jan13_25.pdf (558.05 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - LUP Cover Letter - Jan13_25.pdf (45.1 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - SLUP Conformity Requirements - V2.0 - Jan14_25.pdf (241.35 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - LUP Security Worksheet - Jan14_25.pdf (275.45 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Site Plan - Jan13_25.pdf (249.19 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Site Access Winter Drilling Program - Jan13_25.pdf (104.37 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Closure and Reclamation Plan - V1.0 - Jan13_25.pdf (749.52 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - SLUP Conformity Requirements - V1.0 - Jan13_25.pdf (239.79 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Ice Road Route - Jan13_25.pdf (576.46 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Notification of Project - Jan13_25.pdf (439 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S25S-002 - DGG - Reviewer Comments and Proponent Responses - Feb12_25.pdf (62.79 KB)
9. GIS Data
GIS Data
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S25S-002 - DGG - Ice Road to GT Drill Sites - Jan15_25.kmz (2.01 KB)
S25S-002 - DGG - Powerhouse Location (proposed) - Jan13_25.kmz (733 bytes)
S25S-002 - DGG - Power Canal (proposed) - Jan13_25.kmz (724 bytes)
S25S-002 - DGG - Intake Structure to Canal (proposed) - Jan13_25.kmz (741 bytes)