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DEMCo Ltd. - S25C-001

Denendeh Exploration and Mining Company Limited ("DEMCo") is a wholly owned partnership with membership available to the 5 Dene regions in the NWT and all 27 Dene First Nations. DEMCo is the first-ever Indigenous-owned mining exploration business in the NWT and one of the first in Canada.  

DEMCo has agreed to slowly advance the metal mining exploration project (an understanding with Déline and Tich governments). These metals comprise iron-oxide-copper-gold (“IOCG”), silver-zinc cadmium and rare earths. They will amend the permit to include a drill program in 2 years.

DEMCo will continue to advance the project with higher-resolution gravity, radioactivity, ELF (extremely low frequency), some induced polarization and magnetic surveys, geological mapping, sampling and geochemical surveying (soil, rock and till sampling analyses).


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8. Closure and Reclamation
Conceptual Closure and Reclamation Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S25C-001 - DEMCo - Closure and Reclamation Plan (V 1.1) - Jan 6_25.pdf (763.15 KB)
Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S25C-001 - DEMCo - Closure and Reclamation Plan (V 1.3) - Feb 28_25.pdf (763.96 KB)