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Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited - S24L1-005

Type A Water Licence Renewal for Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited (Imperial) Norman Wells Operations (NWO), located in Norman Wells, NT. Licence is for the use of water, management of waste, and progressive reclamation activities.  

Imperial plans to continue operating the NWO for the next five to ten years (2024 – 2034) to cover the remaining operating life of the field and allow for sufficient time for engagement and permitting a transition to closure of the facility.   

The scope of the NWO includes the continued operation of the Central Processing Facility (CPF), mainland field, operations on the natural and artificial islands, well and facility maintenance, monitoring, and progressive reclamation.   

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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S24L1-005 - CER Files - OH-001-2023 - Letters of (19.55 MB)
S24L1-005 - CER Files - OH-001-2023 - Relevant (2.76 MB)
S24L1-005 - CER Hearing Transcript - Volume 1 - OH-001-2023 - May15_24.pdf (743.67 KB)
S24L1-005 - CER Hearing Transcript - Volume 3 - OH-001-2023 - May17_24.pdf (767.02 KB)
S24L1-005 - CER Hearing Transcript - Volume 2 - OH-001-2023 - May16_24.pdf (979.63 KB)
S24L1-005 - CER Hearing Transcript - Volume 4 - OH-001-2023 - Jun11_24.pdf (507.19 KB)
S24L1-005 - NewsNorth Advertisement - Jun 12_24.jpg (224.47 KB)
S24L1-005 - RECLAIM Liability Estimate - Norman Wells Operations_Jul 12_24.xlsb (8.53 MB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix A - Water Licence Application Form - June12_24.pdf (522.77 KB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix E - Preliminary Screening - June12_24.pdf (606.31 KB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix F - Letter of Credit - June12_24.pdf (484.7 KB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix G - Waste Management Facility Pre-Submission Engagement Summary Update - June12_24.pdf (323.91 KB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix H - Engagement Matrix - June12_24.pdf (308.33 KB)
S24L1-005 - Community Engagement Plan for Sahtu Settlement Area Communities Norman Wells Operation - June12_24.pdf (895.96 KB)
S24L1-005 - S13L1-007 Renewal Application - Norman Wells Operation - June12_24.pdf (3.01 MB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix B - Proof of Incorporation - June12_24.pdf (1.08 MB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix C - Water Use Fees Calculator - June12_24.pdf (231.42 KB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix D - Processing Facilities and Control Systems - June12_24.pdf (8.91 MB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix I - Engagement Log - June12_24.pdf (1.12 MB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix J - Engagement Summary - June12_24.pdf (1.65 MB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix K - Off-Site NWT Disposal Agreement - June12_24.pdf (233.65 KB)
S24L1-005 - Appendix L - 2023 Closure and Reclamation Cost Estimate - June12_24.pdf (1.23 MB)
S24L1-005 - S13L1-007 Renewal Application Cover Letter - Norman Wells Operation - June12_24.pdf (104.64 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S24L1-005 - Reviewer Comments and Proponent Responses on Application - Sep4_24.pdf (283.14 KB)
S24L1-005 - CIRNAC Response to IR1-6 - Oct1_24.pdf (472.87 KB)
S24L1-005 - IOL Response to IR1-6 - Oct1_24.pdf (3.5 MB)
S24L1-005 - Yamoga KGC to SLWB Comment on Application_Aug21_24.pdf (300.2 KB)
S24L1-005 - Water Licence Renewal - FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO SLWB OF FUNDED GROUPS AND FUNDING LEVELS - Sep 25_24.pdf (138.97 KB)
S24L1-005 - Imperial - NWO Licence Renewal - Draft Work Plan V2_Sep19_24.pdf (406.63 KB)
S24L1-005 - Imperial Letter Response to SLWB re KGC Aug21 Letter_Sep4_24.pdf (658.48 KB)
S24L1-005 - Yamoga Letter Comment on the Draft Workplan_Jul10_24.pdf (107.93 KB)
S24L1-005 - Information Request 1-6 - Sep06_24.pdf (216.99 KB)
S24L1-005 - SLWB Letter response to Yamoga Lands Corp Jul10 Letter - Aug20_24.pdf (290.71 KB)
S24L1-005 - Imperial - NWO Licence Renewal - Draft Work Plan V1_June26_24.pdf (237.01 KB)
Environmental Assessment
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S24L1-005 - SLWB Notice of Suspension of Regulatory Process_Oct3_24.pdf (46.02 KB)
S24L1-005 - MVRB Notice of Environmental Assessment_Oct3_24.pdf (245.53 KB)
S24L1-005 - SSI to SLWB re Referral to EA_Sep30_24.pdf (204.24 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S24L1-005 [as S99L1-003] - Preliminary Screening_Apr 16_99.pdf (378.34 KB)