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Integral Metals Corp. - S24C-004

​Integral wishes to apply to the Sahtu Land and Water Board for a Type A Land Use Permit (LUP) for the following activities: (1) Mineral exploration, including diamond-drilling and reverse-circulation drilling; (2) Use of equipment, vehicles and machines; (3) Use and storage of fuel; (4) Construction, operation and maintenance of a temporary camp and potential satellite camps; and (5) Establishment and maintenance of winter-access trails within the property. 

The LUP application will cover a period of five years, with a possible two-year extension. 

During the operation of the exploration program, progressive restoration of field sample and drill sites will occur on an on-going basis. Drilling may consist of up to 100 drill holes per year, with tentative plans for the first year consisting of up to 20 drill holes to re-test the area drilled by Cominco and Fire Steel Resources. Small diameter reverse-circulation (RC) drilling is proposed as an alternative to infill between diamond holes to reduce costs and use of water. While these lightweight rigs have many positive aspects to them, they provide minimal geological and geotechnical information and are best used in conjunction with diamond drilling.


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S24C-004 - Spill Contingency Plan - Version 1.1 - Aug2_24.pdf (6.6 MB)
S24C-004 - Wildlife and Archaeology Protection Plan - Version 1.1 - Aug2_24.pdf (15.33 MB)
S24C-004 - Draft Permit Conditions - May9_24.docx (67.79 KB)
S24C-004 - Project Description - Version 1.1 - May6_24.pdf (1.42 MB)
S24C-004 - Wildlife and Archaeology Protection Plan - Apr30_24.pdf (14.99 MB)
S24C-004 - Tulita RRC - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (425.46 KB)
S24C-004 - Tulita District Land Corporation - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (892.43 KB)
S24C-004 - Security Estimate - Apr30_24.pdf (61.83 KB)
S24C-004 - Sahtu Renewable Resource Board - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (611.5 KB)
S24C-004 - Sahtu Land Use Planning Board - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (215.33 KB)
S24C-004 - Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (804.56 KB)
S24C-004 - Norman Wells Land Corporation - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (1.38 MB)
S24C-004 - Fort Norman Metis Community - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (691.79 KB)
S24C-004 - Engagement Plan - Apr30_24.pdf (253.21 KB)
S24C-004 - ECC Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (1.22 MB)
S24C-004 - Waste Management Plan - Apr30_24.pdf (5.48 MB)
S24C-004 - Town of Norman Wells - Engagement Log - Email Correspodence - Apr30_24.pdf (780.21 KB)
S24C-004 - Spill Contingency Plan - Apr30_24.pdf (6.59 MB)
S24C-004 - Project Description - Version 1.0 - Apr30_24.pdf (1.41 MB)
S24C-004 - Pehdzeh Ki First Nation - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (204.77 KB)
S24C-004 - Norman Wells RRC - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (256.95 KB)
S24C-004 - LUP Application Cover Letter - Apr30_24.pdf (342.31 KB)
S24C-004 - Hamlet of Tulita - Engagement Log - Email Correspondence - Apr30_24.pdf (191.16 KB)
S24C-004 - Engagement Log - Apr30_24.pdf (497.35 KB)
S24C-004 - Closure and Reclamation Plan - Apr30_24.pdf (676.04 KB)
S24C-004 - Application Form - Apr30_24.pdf (454.15 KB)