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Hamlet of Fort Liard - N3L4-1478

renewal of license - Fort Liard Municipal Water Use RenewalMV2009L3-0025 issued.  New WL expires on Feb.29-2020  


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N3L4-1478 - Emergency Sewage Effluent Discharge Notice - Nov03-09.pdf (116.89 KB)
N1L4-1478 - Notice of Sewage Lagoon Discharge - Oct8-09.pdf (97.23 KB)
N3L4-1478 - Effluent Discharge Notice - Oct8-09.pdf (45.8 KB)
N3L3-1478 - Decanting 3 sewage lagoons - Jun19-09.pdf (109.32 KB)
N3L3-1478 - OperationAndMaintenanceManual - Nov18-02.pdf (7.64 MB)
N3L3-1478 - Sewage Effluent Discharge Notice - Jun10-09.pdf (76.14 KB)
N3L4-1478-Decant-Req-FtLiard-Oct07.pdf (150.14 KB)
N3L4-1478-SewageEffluentDischarge-Oct07.pdf (97.2 KB)
N3L3-1478-SewageEffluentDischarge-May07.pdf (136.56 KB)
N3L3-1478-PreDesignRpt-SewageLagoonExpansion-FtLiard-Mar07.pdf (4.18 MB)
N3L3-1478-WaterSampleTEchincalReport-Nov06.pdf (253.75 KB)
N3L3-1478-SewageEffluentDischarge-Oct06.pdf (311.28 KB)
N3L3-1478-WaterSupplySystemModifications-Oct06.pdf (5.08 MB)
N3L3-1478-WaterSupplySystemModifications2-Oct06.pdf (2.46 MB)
MV01L3-13- Cell 3 Lagoon Decant-Jun06.pdf (86.91 KB)
MV2001L3-0013-Ltr-WaterPlantModifications-Drawings-Feb06.pdf (742.78 KB)
MV2001L3-0013-SewageEffluentDischargeRequest-Jul05.pdf (264.35 KB)
N3L3-1478-LagoonDecant_TechnicalRpt-Mar05.pdf (119.68 KB)
N3L3-1478- Decant Notification-Mar05.pdf (43.96 KB)
MV2001L3-0013-fax-SewageEffluentDischarge-Feb05.pdf (84.45 KB)