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Northwest Territories Power Corporation - N1L4-0150

This Licence entitles the Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NWTPC) to store and divert water for the hydroelectric power undertaking associated within the Snare River Watershed at the Snare Rapids (Latitude 63°31' North and Longitude 116°00' West), Snare Falls (Latitude 63°26' North and Longitude 116°11' West), and Snare Forks (Latitude 63°20' North and Longitude 116°20' West) Power Generation Facilities, located on the Snare River, Northwest Territories as shown on Map A;
The Project is to store and divert water for hydroelectrical purposes within the Snare River Watershed.


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6. Management Plans
Waste Management Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L4-0150 - NTPC - Snare Hydro Waste Management Plan - Mar 2013.pdf (1.64 MB)