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Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - N1L2-0040

Con Mine - Processing of arsenic sludge and associated uses    


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Displaying 1 - 25 of 25
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - Approval for Concrete Caps Jun19-08.pdf (128.63 KB)
N1L2-0040 - Decommissioning Activities -Notification - Nov07.pdf (143.17 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - Meeting for Giant Mine Environmental Management System - Feb28-12.pdf (127.61 KB)
N1L2-0040 - Notification of Discharge at SNP 0040-1 July03-08.pdf (140.59 KB)
N1L2-0040 -- Notification of Intent to Cease Water Treatment Plant Discharge-Sep07.pdf (73.12 KB)
N1L2-0040 --NotificationOfDischarge-Jun07.pdf (36.2 KB)
N1L2-0040 --EM-PCBContaminatedTransformers-Mar07.pdf (809.29 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-MinewaterSample-RobertsonShaft-Sept06.pdf (12.87 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-Notification-CessationofDischarge-Sept06.pdf (153.4 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-MinewaterLevel-RobertsonShaft-Sept06.pdf (13.94 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-ResultsConToxicityTests-Sept06.pdf (190.47 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-DisposalofWasteMaterials-Aug06.pdf (267.66 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-DisposalofConcrete-AkaitchoHall-Aug06.pdf (1.54 MB)
xxN1L2-0040-fax-Copy-TrailerCourt-AkaitchoHall-Aug06.pdf (231.3 KB)
N1L2-0040-Notification-CommenceDischarge-Jun06.pdf (98.09 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-MineFlooding-Apr06.pdf (11.88 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-UndergroundFloodingVolumes-Apr06.pdf (24.83 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-LtrToDIAND-Not-IntentToCeaseDischarge-Feb06.pdf (78.98 KB)
N1L2-0040-EMAT-CyanideSamplesLabResults-Oct05.pdf (171.99 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-InterruptionofWaterTreatmentatConMine-Aug2005.pdf (17.16 KB)
N1L2-0040-Ltr-Notification-WTP-Jun05.pdf (115.45 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-DIANDLtrREInfoOnAutoclaveShutdown-May05.pdf (24.62 KB)
N1L2-0040 Bulk Fuel Tank Disassembly and Disposal - Lead Content of Paint on Tanks Jul03.pdf (102.66 KB)
N1L2-0040 Letter re ph Meter Use and Calibration in Effluent Treatment Plant- Jun16-03.pdf (152.95 KB)
N1L2-0040 - Dam- Modification Construction Approval Dam5- Letter Aug3-93.pdf (171.32 KB)