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Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - N1L2-0040

Con Mine - Processing of arsenic sludge and associated uses    


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
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N1L2-0040 -Roaster Complex Decostruction and Underwater Stabilization - WL Application - 2nd Draft - Nov28-12.pdf (37.79 MB)
N1L2-0040 --60 Day Amendment to Term-Approved-Nov07.pdf (239.8 KB)
N1L2-0040 -SNP Modifications-Jul07.pdf (306.64 KB)
N1L2-0040 - Staff Report - SNP Amend - Jul26-07.pdf (129.5 KB)
N1L2-0040-AmendmentApproved-Jul06.pdf (4.09 MB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Amendment - Term Extended- from Jul29-06 to Jan30-08.pdf (2.98 MB)
N1L2-0040-SRpt-DirectionAppeal-Oct05.pdf (359.02 KB)
N1L2-0040-Ltr-RequestAppealSection37-Jun05.pdf (1.37 MB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Renewal- Jul30-00- Jul29-06.pdf (886.95 KB)
N1L2-0040-WaterLicense Renewal - Jul30-00 to Jul29-06.pdf (679.59 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Renewal- Jun1- 95- Jul30- 00- Jun16-2000.pdf (124.83 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Reason For Decision- Amend Apr25-96- May 30-1996.pdf (48.54 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Renewal- Jun1-95- May31-00- Jun1995.pdf (555.42 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL-Reason For Decision- Re- Application Sep21-94- Jun-1995.pdf (81.01 KB)
N1L2-0040 - NWT Waters Act implemented- Type A WL Designation --LtrJul16-93.pdf (272.72 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL-SNP- Amendment Corrected- Mar1-1993.pdf (143.83 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- SNP- Amended Mar1-1992.pdf (139.86 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Renewal- Jun1-1990- May31-1995.pdf (615.91 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Jun1-1986- May31-1990.pdf (469.11 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Jun1-1980- May31-1986.pdf (495.48 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Mar1-1977- Feb29-1980.pdf (417.79 KB)
3. Amendment Application
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
xxN1L2-0040-fax-CopyofAmendLicense-Jun06.pdf (74.11 KB)