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GNWT-INF - MV2023X0039

​The project is to replace the existing culver crossing of the Redknife River with a clear span bridge across the channel. 

Associated with Water Licence MV2023L8-0015.


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6. Management Plans
Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GNWT-INF - Redknife River Bridge - Spill Contingency Plan V1.1 - May27_24.pdf (1.89 MB)
GNWT-INF - Redknife River Bridge - SCP V1.1 - Conformity - Board Staff - May28_24.pdf (151.38 KB)
Waste Management Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GNWT-INF - Redknife River Bridge - WMP V1.1 - Conformity - Board Staff - May28_24.pdf (151.01 KB)
GNWT-INF - Redknife River Bridge - Waste Management Plan V1.1 - May27_24.pdf (2.68 MB)