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Paramount Resources Ltd. - MV2023L1-0010

​Use of water and deposit of waste for the remediation, closure, and reclamation of former oil and gas sites at Pointed Mountain. Site components include a plant site, airstrip, six gas well sites (A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, B-1, and B-2), a disposal well, five water supply wells, pipelines and associated rights of way. Associated activities including decommissioning and abandonment of relevant project components.  

Accompanied by Land Use Permit MV2023A0028


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Paramount - Correspondence re Pointed Mountain Surge Pond Spill Remediation - Apr22_24.pdf (17.29 MB)
Pointed Mountain - Correspondence regarding summer 2023 site work - Jun5_23.pdf (4.44 MB)
Pointed Mountain - Notification of Site Activity - May 31_23.pdf (332.48 KB)