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Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited - MV2023C0002

​​Helicopter supported diamond drilling, channel sampling, mapping and prospecting, and camp on Yukon/NT border. Access by Howard's Pass Access Road.


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3. Amendment Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Archer Cathro Associates – Amendment - Review Comment Tables - Jun8_23.pdf (867.55 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Engagement Log - Apr27_23.pdf (2.2 MB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Engagement Plan - Apr4_23.pdf (292.58 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Proposed Work - Apr4_23.pdf (972.57 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Spill Contingency Plan - Apr4_23.pdf (8.09 MB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Waste Management Plan - Apr4_23.pdf (252.39 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Wildlife Attractant Plan - Apr4_23.pdf (141.27 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Cover Letter - Apr4_23.pdf (170.63 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Mining Exploration Questionnaire - Apr4_23.pdf (335.55 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Engagement Log - Apr4_23.pdf (1.21 MB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Property Location - Apr4_23.pdf (1.94 MB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Updated Security Estimate - Apr4_23.pdf (42.24 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Updated Mineral Tenures Map - Apr4_23.pdf (956.71 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment - Application - Apr4_23.pdf (595.67 KB)
Archer Cathro Associates - Amendment Application - Incomplete Letter - Apr5_23.pdf (177.84 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Archer Cathro Associates – Notification - Preliminary Screening Determination - Jun9_23.pdf (204.88 KB)