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EREX International Ltd. - MV2022L8-0008

​​Yellowknife Lithium Project: Exploration work to estimate lithium resources in pegmatite dykes on 13 mineral leases east of Yellowknife. Includes diamond core and reverse circulation drilling, saw-cut channel sampling, and trenching. Non-federal areas. Accompanied by Water Licence MV2022L8-0009, and Land Use Permit MV2023C0013.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
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Document Received/Sent Uploaded
EREX - Amendment - Dec12_23.pdf (1.13 MB)
EREX – Amendment Application - Approval - May29_23.pdf (1.13 MB)
EREX - Issuance - Type B Water Licence - Jan3_23.pdf (1.18 MB)