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Imperial Oil Limited - MV2021L1-0009

D​uring the months of December 2021 and January 2022, the well will be re-entered to perform a remediation of the existing abandonment. Monitoring of the well will occur before and after remedial works to determine the success of the re-abandonment.

Accompanied by Land Use Permit MV2021X0019


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Imperial Oil - Annual Review of Plans - Mar31_23.pdf (133.48 KB)
Imperial Oil - 10 day Notification of Completion - Jan31_23.pdf (156.23 KB)
Imperial Oil - 10 Day Notification - Temporary Pause of Operations - Dec19_22.pdf (199.12 KB)
Imperial Oil - Request and Authorization for Water Diversion Update - Dec5_22.pdf (267.77 KB)
Imperial Oil - Notification of Location and Establishment of Onsite Fuel Tank - Dec5_22.pdf (162.94 KB)
Imperial Oil - Notification Depositing of Waste - Dec5_22.pdf (161.18 KB)
Imperial Oil - Request for Authorization for Water Diversion Locations and Pictures - Dec1_22.pdf (4.26 MB)
Imperial Oil - Notification - Commencing Activities - Nov16_22.pdf (161.11 KB)