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City of Yellowknife - MV2021F0007

​The proposed access road is required in order to complete the construction of a dyke on Trapper's Lake.

The dyke repair has been submitted to the MVLWB in accordance with the City's current Water Licence (MV2009L3-0007). The access road is intended for use during construction and for future inspections of the dyke.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
City of Yellowknife – Approval - Final Plan and Clearance - May31_23.pdf (171.8 KB)
City of Yellowknife – Approval - Discontinuance - May31_23.pdf (343.03 KB)
City of Yellowknife - Discontinuance Request - May8_23.pdf (112.72 KB)
City of Yellowknife - Inspector Recommendation for Discontinuance and Closure - May8_23.pdf (161.29 KB)