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Jean Marie River First Nation - MV2020W0002

​Land use permit to allow for the harveting and milling timber


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3. Amendment Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
JMRFN - Amendment Request - Staff Report - Board Update - Nov26-20.pdf (265.86 KB)
JMRFN - Amendment Request - JMRFN's Response to GNWT's IR Response - Dec18_20.pdf (773.69 KB)
JMRFN - LUP Amendment Request - GNWT's IR Response - SPA Calculation.xls (72 KB)
JMRFN - Amendement Request - GNWT's IR Response -Security Calculation.xls (72 KB)
JMRFN - LUP Amendment Request - GNWT's IR Response.pdf (5.85 MB)
JMRFN - Amendment Request - IR to GNWT-ENR and GNWT-Lands - Dec1_20.pdf (230.94 KB)
JMRFN - Amendment Request - GNWT-Lands (South Slave Region) - Nov23_20.pdf (272.05 KB)
JMRFN - New LUP Application -Timber Cutting License No.pdf (414.33 KB)
JMRFN - Engagement Record - Sep29_20.xlsx (29.53 KB)
JMRFN -Engagement Correspondence - Sep28_20.pdf (631.72 KB)
JMRFN - Amendment Request - Sep22-20.pdf (498.04 KB)
JMRFN - LUP Amendment Application - Draft Conditions - (Proposed Draft Amendment) -Sep29_20.docx (183.78 KB)