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Northwest Territories Power Corporation - MV2020L4-0005

​Bluefish Power Generation Facility, located at the north end of Propserous Lake, NT.

Renewal of Licence MV2005L4-0008.

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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
NTPC - Bluefish - Issuance - Staff Report and Comments - Mar16_21.pdf (2.21 MB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Engagement Log Minutes - 2020 - Jul17_20.pdf (110.89 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Application Ad in News Papaer - Aug3_20.pdf (902.16 KB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Dam Safety Review- Jul16_20.pdf (40.84 MB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Engagement Plan - Jul16_20.pdf (554.2 KB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Engagement Log - Jul16_20.pdf (7.2 MB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Abandonment and Restoration Plan- Jul16_20.pdf (2 MB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Cover Letter - Type A Water Licence Renewal Application - Jul16_20.pdf (198.31 KB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Emergency Preparedness Plan - Jul16_20.pdf (3.48 MB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Figures - Jul16_20.pdf (6.53 MB)
NTPC - Bluefish - GIS Data - (1.74 KB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Hydro-electric-Development-Questionnaire - Jul16_20.pdf (260.84 KB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Public Safety Plan - 2009 - Jul16_20.pdf (2.19 MB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Water Licence Application - Jul16_20.pdf (473.68 KB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Operations Maintenance and Surveillance Manual V1 - Jul16_20.pdf (5.98 MB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Environmental Studies Summary and Screening-Level Environmental Assessment- Jul16_20.pdf (4.67 MB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Dunacn Dam GIS Data - (1.91 KB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Engagement Log Minutes - (3.16 KB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Lands and Lease Information- Jul16_20.pdf (1.34 MB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Spill Contigency Plan- Jul16_20.pdf (4.27 MB)
NTPC - Bluefish - Waste Management Plan- Jul16_20.pdf (5.3 MB)
NTPC - Bluesfish - Operations Maintenance and Surveillance Manual V2 - Jul16_20.pdf (30.1 MB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Workplan - V.1 - August4_20.pdf (252.88 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Draft Water Licence Conditions - Comment Summary Table - Dec17_20.pdf (274.82 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Work Plan - V.2- Nov16_20.pdf (249.65 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Draft Conditions - Nov17_20.docx (228.42 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Application Distributed for Review and Comment - Jul24_20.pdf (168.28 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Application - Comment Summary Table - Sep8_20.pdf (978.11 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - DRAFT Workplan - V.1 - Jul24_20.docx (147.22 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Preliminary Screening and Workplan - Staff Report - Sep17-20.pdf (330.62 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - Northwest Territories Power Corporation - Preliminary Screening Exemption - Sept18_20.pdf (208.61 KB)
Public Hearing
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Closing Argument from NTPC - Dec21_20.pdf (162.19 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Blueifsh - GNWT - Closing Arguments - Dec16_20.pdf (631.79 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Public Hearing - Cancellation Notice - Nov23_20.pdf (615.64 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Cancellation of Public Hearing Notice to Distribution List - Nov16_20.pdf (380.39 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Response to Interventions - Nov4_20.pdf (111.43 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Publich Hearing Ad - Oct26_20.pdf (739.43 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Pre-Hearing Conference - Meeting Notes - Sign in Sheet - Oct29_20.pdf (379.02 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - GNWT ENR - Intervention - Oct20_20.pdf (236.23 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - NSMA - No Intervention - Oct19_20.pdf (156.89 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - North Slave Metis Alliance - No Intervention - Oct19_20.pdf (156.09 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Tlicho Government - Intervention - Oct19_20.pdf (392.26 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Pre-Hearing Conference Agenda - Oct19_20.pdf (179.91 KB)
Technical Session
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Technical Session IR Response- Sept 30_20.pdf (1.17 MB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Technical Session Sept 22-20-Transcripts - Sept24_20.pdf (1.33 MB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Technical Session Presentation- Sept21_20.pptx (17.79 MB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Mercury Increases in Flooded Lakes - Reference Note - Sept22_20.pdf (2.89 MB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Technical Session - Information Request - Sept22_20.pdf (172.61 KB)
MV2020L4-0005 - NTPC - Bluefish - Technical Session Agenda - Sept10_20.pdf (244.96 KB)