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Canadian Natural Resources Limited - MV2020L1-0011

The purpose of the application is to construct a winter road, and auxiliary activities, to gain access to well sites for well abandonment.  The Licence is accompanied by Permit MV2019X0014 which was issued in 2019 to authorize ​Abandonment and Reclamation activities for 13 wells in the Arrowhead and Netla Areas North and Northeast of Fort Liard, in the Deh Cho Region.

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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CNRL - Engagement Plan - Dec1_21.pdf (372.89 KB)
CNRL - Instantaneous Flow Calculations - Dec1_21.xlsx (105.3 KB)
CNRL - Engagement Log - Dec1_21.pdf (161.94 KB)
CNRL - Newspaper Ad - NewsNorth - Nov15_21.pdf (1.91 MB)
CNRL - Fee Receipt - Nov10_21.pdf (63.55 KB)
CNRL - Engagement Log - Nov4_21.pdf (176.75 KB)
CNRL - Water Budget Calculation - Nov13_20.pdf (158.54 KB)
CNRL - Pre-Submission Engagement - Nov13_20.pdf (3.78 MB)
CNRL - Environmental Protection Plan and Photos - Nov3_20.pdf (2.57 MB)
CNRL - Water Licence Application - Oct29_21.pdf (711.63 KB)
CNRL - Response Letter - Oct29_21.pdf (163.94 KB)
CNRL - Engagement Log - Oct29_21.pdf (155.98 KB)
CNRL - Engagement Log - Oct13_21.pdf (158.19 KB)
CNRL - 2019 Corporate Annual Report - Oct13_21.pdf (1.79 MB)
CNRL - Maps - Oct13_21.pdf (1.54 MB)
CNRL - Corporate Emergency Response Plan - Oct13_21.pdf (4.52 MB)
CNRL - Spill Contingency Plan and Emergency Response Plan - Oct13_21.pdf (4.41 MB)
CNRL - RECLAIM Estimate - Oct13_21.xlsm (585.62 KB)
CNRL - Water Licence Application - Oct13_21.pdf (1.69 MB)
CNRL - Water Use Fees Calculator - Oct13_21.pdf (11.26 KB)
CNRL - Waste Management Plan - Oct13_21.pdf (2.26 MB)
CNRL - Engagement Plan - Oct13_21.pdf (368.67 KB)
CNRL - Certificate of Corporate Registration - Oct13_21.pdf (425.16 KB)
CNRL - RECLAIM Estimate - Oct27_21.xlsm (608.81 KB)
CNRL - Response Letter - Oct13_21.pdf (222.77 KB)
CNRL - Proof of Financial Capacity - Oct13_21.pdf (231.16 KB)
CNRL - Application Deemed Incomplete - Oct28_21.pdf (245.05 KB)
CNRL - Correspondence - Feb23_21.pdf (233.7 KB)
CNRL - Type B Licence Application - Nov13-20.pdf (15.94 MB)
CNRL - Application Deemed Incomplete - Nov23-20.pdf (259.98 KB)
CNRL - Operations Authorization - Nov13_20.pdf (195.52 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CNRL - DRAFT Licence Conditions - Nov5_21.pdf (387.99 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
CNRL - Preliminary Screening Determination and Reasons for Decision - Dec17_21.pdf (297.52 KB)
CNRL - Notification - Preliminary Screening Determination - Dec17_21.pdf (161.14 KB)