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Government of Yukon - Department of Highways and Public Works - MV2019L8-0013

​The Government of the Yukon, Department of Highways and Public Works is proposing the Dempster Fibre Project (DFP), that will see the construction of an approximately 800-km fibre optic line from Dawson City, Yukon, to Inuvik, Northwest Territories.  For the purposes of the Land Use Permit and Water Licence application, the project is defined as the section of the DFP located in the Northwest Territories. 

The fibre optic cable will enter the Northwest Territories at the Yukon/Northwest Territories border and then travel approximately 271 km north to Inuvik.  The project is located entirely within the Gwich'in Settlement Area (GSA), passing through the communities of Fort McPherson and Tsiigehtchic. 

Project Components:

  • Fibre optic cable and conduit to be installed adjacent to the Dempster Highway along the Right of Way, extending form the Yukon border to Inuvik; and
  • Handholes along the route.

The project will connect to an existing terminal facility in Inuvik and to existing buildings in communities along the route to provide service to those communities. 

Construction and operation of the project will require the following supporting activities:

  • Geotechnical drilling to supplement any potential gaps or unknown conditions that are encountered;
  • Use of pre-existing staging areas for equipment and materials (up to five staging areas may be used at one time);
  • Construction of temporary camps to accommodate work crews;
  • Clearing of vegetation as required in the right of way;
  • Installation of conduits and fibre optic cable; and
  • Ongoing operations and maintenance.
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6. Management Plans
Assorted Management Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Gov. of Yukon - Permafrost Protection Plan v2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jul25_22.pdf (694.02 KB)
Gov. of Yukon – Heritage Resource Plan v2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jul25_22.pdf (510.06 KB)
Gov. of Yukon – Environmental Management Plan v2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jul25_22.pdf (669.21 KB)
Gov. of Yukon - Inspection and Maintenance Plan v1 - Staff Report and Comments - Jul25_22.pdf (595.01 KB)
Gov. of Yukon - Environmental Management Plan V6 - Jun9_22.pdf (8.72 MB)
Gov. of Yukon - Permafrost Protection Plan V2 - Jun9_22.pdf (388.01 KB)
Gov. of Yukon - Heritage Resource Protection Plan and Chance Finds Procedure V2 - Jun9_22.pdf (943.04 KB)
Gov. of Yukon - Heritage Resources Management Plan Redacted - May05_22.pdf (25.07 MB)
Gov. of Yukon - Inspection and Maintenance Management Plan - Apr21_22.pdf (1.42 MB)
Gov. of Yukon - Environmental Management Plan V5 - Apr19_22.pdf (8.26 MB)
Gov. of Yukon - Permafrost Protection Plan - Apr19_22.pdf (342.01 KB)
MV2019X0027 and MV2019L8-0013 - Government of Yukon - Approval - Management Plans Mar16_21.pdf (197.33 KB)
Engagement Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2019X0027 MV2019L8-0013 - Yukon Government - Engagement Plan - Dec18_20.pdf (7.17 MB)
MV2019X0027 MV2019L8-0013 - Government of the Yukon - Engagement Plan V1.1 - Dec8_20.pdf (220.4 KB)
MV2019L8-0013 MV2019X0027 - Government of Yukon - Highways and Public Works - Engagement Plan and Record V1 - Oct3_19.pdf (5.45 MB)
Sediment and Erosion Control
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Gov. of Yukon - Sediment and Erosion Control Plan v2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jul25_22.pdf (667.57 KB)
Gov. of Yukon - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan V2 - Jun9_22.pdf (21.37 MB)
Gov. of Yukon - Sediment and Erosion Control Plan - Apr19_22.pdf (11.26 MB)
Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Gov. of Yukon – Emergency Frac-Out Response Plan v1 - Staff Report and Comments - Jul25_22.pdf (614.29 KB)
Gov. of Yukon - Emergency Frac-Out Plan - Apr19_22.pdf (338.72 KB)
MV2019X0027 MV2019L8-0013 - Government of the Yukon - Various Management Plans - Staff Report and Comments.pdf (747.32 KB)
MV2019X0027 MV2019L8-0013 - Government of the Yukon - Spill Contingecy Plan V1.1 - Dec8_20.pdf (1.22 MB)
MV2019L8-0013 MV2019X0027 - Government of Yukon - Highways and Public Works - Spill Contingency Plan V1 - Oct3_19.pdf (458.53 KB)
Waste Management Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2019X0027 MV2019L8-0013 - Government of the Yukon - Waste Management Plan V1.1 - Dec8_20.pdf (324.22 KB)
MV2019L8-0013 MV2019X0027 - Government of Yukon - Highways and Public Works - Waste Management Plan V1 - Oct3_19.pdf (383.81 KB)