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Hamlet of Fort Liard - MV2019L3-0007

​Municipal Water Licence Renewal to replace MV2009L3-0025.


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Technical Session
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ft Liard - Licence renewal technical workshop attendance - Sep23-19.pdf (85.17 KB)
Ft Liard - renewal - September 23 2019 Technical Workshop - Meeting Summary Notes - Oct7-19.pdf (196.64 KB)
Ft Liard - Water Licence renewal application Technical Workshop on Monday - Sep18-19.pdf (433.01 KB)
Ft Liard - Licence renewal technical workshop - draft agenda - Aug29-19.pdf (496.59 KB)
Ft Liard - Licence renewal- Notice of technical workshop scheduled - Aug1-19.pdf (92.72 KB)