EREX International Ltd. - MV2019C0031
Land Use Permit
Mining Exploration
February 25, 2020
February 24, 2027
Tyree Mullaney
Lac de Gras project, mineral exploration: The activities proposed for this renewal of LUP MV2012C0009 are those that Dominion is already permitted to conduct within the scope of the current LUP:a) Mineral exploration including geochemical and geoscience surveys;b) Diamond drilling and reverse-circulation drilling programs;c) Fuel storage;d) Use of vehicles;e) Operation of a camp;
f) Associated abandonment and reclamation of the above activities
g) Large diameter drilling and/or Trenching to achieve up to 1,200 tonnes annually of bulk sample material;h) Use and storage of explosives (<500 kg) for trenching purposes; and
i) Winter roads for access to and within the property.
f) Associated abandonment and reclamation of the above activities
g) Large diameter drilling and/or Trenching to achieve up to 1,200 tonnes annually of bulk sample material;h) Use and storage of explosives (<500 kg) for trenching purposes; and
i) Winter roads for access to and within the property.
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3. Amendment Application
Document | Received/Sent | Uploaded |
North Arrow – Approval - Amendment - Dec 7_23.pdf (902.99 KB) | ||
North Arrow - Amendment - Map of Area with Claim Boundaries - Oct23_23.jpg (550.76 KB) | ||
North Arrow - Amendment Application - Cover Letter - Oct23_23.pdf (793.09 KB) | ||
North Arrow - Amendment - Engagement Log - Oct23_23.xlsx (39.23 KB) |
Document | Received/Sent | Uploaded |
North Arrow – Amendment - Review Comment Summery Table - Nov 30_23.pdf (412.15 KB) |
Document | Received/Sent | Uploaded |
North Arrow – Amendment - Preliminary Screening Determination - Dec 7_23.pdf (202.13 KB) |