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Canadian Zinc Corporation - MV2019C0011

As part of the ongoing process of establishing, confirming and enhancing the known mineral resource at the Prairie Creek property, Canadian Zinc proposes to develop an exploration decline to permit access for underground exploration drilling of the stratabound deposit underlying the Zone 3 quartz vein mineralization. Further delineation of the vein-type mineralization will be undertaken at the same time. The proposed decline will be accessed from the existing 870 m portal and the 880 m level. The decline will have a 15% downward grade, and will be developed in the footwall of the Vein deposit, but distant from the Vein and would not cross the Vein.  The proposed decline will allow drilling to be conducted from underground about 200 m above the stratabound, as compared to drilling from surface which would require approximately 450 m long holes, resulting in a substantial saving in drilling costs. 

Connected with Licence MV2019L2-0006. Previously authorized under MV2001L2-0003 and MV2012C0008. Replaced by MV2020C0008. 

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Displaying 1 - 42 of 42
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Approval - Discontinuance - Sept18-20.pdf (297.18 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Amendment - Staff Report and Comments - Jul2-20.pdf (679.99 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Approval - Amendment - Jun30-20.pdf (642.39 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Issuance Letter with Permit-Conditions and RFD - Type A LUP - Sept9-19.pdf (720.95 KB)
MV2019C0011 MV2019L2-0006 - CZN - Type A LUP - Type B WL - Staff Report and Comments - Aug29-19.pdf (1.55 MB)
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Discontinuance and Final Clearance - Staff Report - Sept18-20.pdf (245.55 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Final Clearance - Sept18-20.pdf (173.27 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - GNWT Inspector Recommendation re Discontinuance and Final Clearance - Sept10-20.pdf (180.12 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Letter re Discontinuance and Final Plan - Sep9-20.pdf (237.66 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2019C0011 - CZN - CZN's Response Re Security Deposit - Feb 27_20.pdf (102.75 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Outstanding Security Deposit - Jan 22_20.pdf (551.42 KB)
MV2019C0011 MV2012-0006 - Canadian Zinc Corporation - Security Adjustment - Dec17_19.pdf (121.29 KB)
MV2019C0011 MV2019L2-0006 - CZN - Security Adjustment - Staff Report - Dec17-19.pdf (156.25 KB)
MV2019L2-0006 MV2019C0011 - CZN - GNWT-ENR Comments on Security Adjustment - Dec11-19.pdf (171.22 KB)
MV2019L2-0006 MV2019C0011 - CZN - GNWT-Lands Comments on Security Adjustment - Dec11-19.pdf (564.81 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Seeking Comments on Security Adjustment Requests - Dec 6-19.pdf (141.93 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Letter Security Adjustment Request - Nov 27-19.pdf (135.42 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
3. Amendment Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Type A LUP - Amendment Request - Distribution Record - May14-20.pdf (970.04 KB)
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Type A LUP - Amendment Request - May13-20.pdf (1.59 MB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2019C0011 - CZN - Engagement - LKFN Letter of Support for Permit Applications - Apr-28_20.pdf (550.45 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2019L2-0006 MV2019C0011 - CZN - Prairie Creek COVID-19 Logistics and Status - May11-20.pdf (214.44 KB)
MV2019L2-0006 MV2019C0011 - CZN - 2019 Closing Mine site Notification - Dec 5-19.pdf (76.65 KB)
6. Management Plans