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City of Yellowknife - MV2018X0015

​Installation of groundwater wells around the Solid Waste Disposal Facility, as required by the City's municipal Water Licence MV2009L3-0007.

Accompanied by MV2019X0013.

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 20
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
City of YK - Approved - Discontinuance - Jun21_22.pdf (351.46 KB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - Type A Land Use Permit - Issuance Letter-Permit and Conditions - Sept20-18.pdf (704.54 KB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - draft permit conditions - Jul6-18.pdf (217.69 KB)
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
City of YK - Approved - Final Clearance - Jun21_22.pdf (171.37 KB)
City of YK - Request for Discontinuance and Final Plan - Apr28_22.pdf (1020.93 KB)
City of YK - Inspector Recommendation for Discontinuance and Closure - Apr28_22.pdf (106.28 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - New Land Use Permit - Staff Report and Comments - Sept20-18.pdf (2.23 MB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - New Permit Application - new information re MW-9 - August 23_18.pdf (63.69 KB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - New Permit Application - new information notification - Aug23-18.pdf (66.01 KB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - New Land Use Permit Application change - Aug22-18.pdf (55.91 KB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - application complete letter - Jul6-18.pdf (468.9 KB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - supporting information for application - GNWT Lands - Jun28-18.pdf (1.38 MB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - receipt for Permit application fee - Jun29-18.pdf (88.7 KB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - Permit Application - Jun28-18.pdf (169.67 MB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - New Land Use Permit - Preliminary Screening - V2 - Sept20-18.pdf (319.35 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Inspection Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - Inspection Report for May 22 2019 - GNWT Lands - May29-19.pdf (935.47 KB)
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - Srill Location Maps - Sept27-18.pdf (1.29 MB)
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - Drill Location Maps - Sept27-18.pdf (1.29 MB)
6. Management Plans
Engagement Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - Engagement Plan and Log - Jun28-18.pdf (11.09 MB)
Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2018X0015 - City of YK - Permit Application - Spill Contingency Plan - Jun28-18.pdf (32.61 MB)