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Sambaa Ke First Nation - MV2018L3-0001

​Municipal Water Licence for the withdrawl of drinking water, and disposal of sewage and waste at the SKFN's water treatment plant, sewage lagoon, and solid waste facilities.  Replaces MV2012L3-0007.


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
SKFN - Inspector authorization of emergency decant and lagoon analytical results - Nov19_24.pdf (1.01 MB)
SKFN - Emergency decant authorization - May3_24.pdf (794.75 KB)
SKFN - Correspondence re emergency lagoon decant - Apr15_24.pdf (182.8 KB)
SKFN - Emergency decant authorization and results from SNP 2018-4 - Mar20_24.pdf (503.64 KB)
SKFN - Inspector email re SWDF upgrades - Dec1_21.pdf (249.4 KB)
SKFN - Emergency decant request and permission - May13-20.pdf (253.31 KB)