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Locust Mowing - MV2017Q0002

​Use of Heavy equipment to quarry, crush, stock pile and haul granular material from the site at KM 232 on Highway 5 to Fort Smith and area

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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Locust Mowing – Approval - Extension to Term - May3_22.pdf (570.34 KB)
MV2017Q0002 - Locust Mowing Inc - Issuance Letter with Permit-Conditions and RFD - Type A LUP - May25-17.pdf (1.27 MB)
External Authorizations
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Locust Mowing - Quarry Permit 2022QP0007 - Issuance Letter - Apr28_22.pdf (743.8 KB)
Locust Mowing - Quarry Permit 2022QP0007 - Letter - Apr21_22.pdf (260.89 KB)
Locust Mowing - Quarry Permit 2022QP0007 - Permit - Apr21_22.pdf (610.1 KB)
MV2017Q0002 - Locust Mowing - QP Issuance Letter for 2019QP0003 - GNWT Lands - Mar15-19.pdf (310.96 KB)
MV2017Q0002 - Locust Mowing - Final QP Verification 2018QP0010 - GNWT Lands - Jan29-19.pdf (77.04 KB)
MV2017Q0002 - Locust Mowing - New QP Application acknowledgement and consultation letter - GNWT Lands - Jan29-19.pdf (225.47 KB)
MV2017Q0002 - Locust mowing - Issuane of QP 2018QP0010 - GNWT Lands - Feb27-18.pdf (416.06 KB)
MV2017Q0002 - Locust Mowing - QP Application consultation for Akaitcho - GNWT Lands - Jan3-18.pdf (340.34 KB)
MV2017Q0002 - Locust Mowing Inc - Final QP Return - Verification 2016QP0026 - GNWT Lands - Dec14-17.pdf (117.39 KB)
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Locust Mowing – Approval - Final Plan and Clearance - Jun26_24.pdf (190.93 KB)
Locust Mowing Inc - Final Plan - May13_24.pdf (1.71 MB)
Locust Mowing - Final Plan - Recommendation from Inspector - May14_24.pdf (139.06 KB)
MV2017Q0002 - Locust Mowing - Final Plan Request - May 2_24.pdf (230.39 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2017Q0002 - Locust Mowing - Receipt for Security Deposit -1501962 - GNWT Finance - Jun6-17.pdf (205.07 KB)
MV2017Q0002 - Locust Mowing - Receipt for Security Deposit - 150196 - GNWT Finance - Jun6-17.pdf (111.33 KB)