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CIRNAC-CARD - MV2016L8-0004

BMR Project: Remediation of seven abandoned mine sites: Bullmoose, Beaulieu, Spectrum, and Ruth. 
Accompanied by Permit MV2016X0013.
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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Designs and As-Builts
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
INAC-CARD - BMR - Request for comments on the Landfill Design Plan - Jun1-17.pdf (333.63 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Designs and As-Builts
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
INAC-CARD - BMR - Bullmoose Creek Channel Design and Reconstruction Plan - Dec19_17.pdf (2.54 MB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Bullmoose Creek Channel Design and Reconstruction Plan - Nov27_17.pdf (2.64 MB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Channel Design and Reconstruction Plan V3 - Staff Report and Comments - Oct25-17.pdf (945.02 KB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Interim Approval for Channel Design and Reconstruction Plan V3 - Oct25-17.pdf (548.74 KB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Request for comments on BM Creek Channel Design and Reconstruction Plan - Sep18-17.pdf (206.74 KB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Creek Channel Design and Reconstruction Plan - Sep15_17.pdf (3.2 MB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Landfill Design Plan V1.3 - Jul20_17.pdf (3.11 MB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Interim Approval - Landfill Design Plan Version 1-2 - Jul6-17.pdf (482.27 KB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Landfill Design Plan V1.pdf (2.23 MB)
INAC - CARD - BMR - Landfill Design - POSTPONED - Request for Comment - Apr3-17.pdf (132.49 KB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Request for Comments on the Landfill Design Plan- Mar15-17.pdf (334.68 KB)
INAC-CARD - BMR - Landfill Design Plan - Mar3-17.pdf (2.57 MB)
6. Management Plans
Designs and As-Builts
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
INAC-CARD - BMR - Landfill Design Plan Version1-2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jul6-17.pdf (738.77 KB)