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Department of National Defence - MV2015X0014

DND proposes to conduct Operation Nanook one of three annual northern sovereignty operations. The communities of lnuvik and Fort Smith will serve as operations bases for the following activities:
lnuvik: Command and control of the operation will be out of the Midnight Sun Complex in  Inuvik with  tne airport acting as the hub  for support of this operation. A significant number of military aircraft wi ll be operating out of the airport including C-177 Globemasters and C-130 Hercules for airlift into and out of lnuvik ; CP-140 Aurora  for surveillance; and CH-146 Griffon
and CH-147 Chinook helicopters .CC-138 Twin-Otters and contracted helicopters for transportation Military  personnel will use the Personnel  Accommodation  Building for accommodations and eating.
The existing infrastructure  will be augmented with tents in the town of J nuvik.The Midnight Sun Complex is also planned for use as additional  office space.  A small arms range will be conducted 
in the vicinity of lnuvik at the Top of the World Sporting ssociation .
Fort Smith: An army company will deploy here to conduct safety tasks in a wildfire response scenario. They will establish a small camp in the vicinity of the airport and conduct aid to civil power tasks in support of Public Safety within the community. Some add itional train ing may be conducted in the vicinity of the airport.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2015X0014 - DND - Final Clearance - Staff Report - Nov19-15.pdf (255.58 KB)
MV2015X0014 - DND - Final Clearance Letter - Nov19-15.pdf (125.55 KB)
MV2015X0014 - DND - Final inspection - Nov4-15.pdf (268.07 KB)
MV2015X0014 - DND - Resommendation for file closure - Nov4-15.pdf (159.01 KB)
MV2015X0014 - DND - Final plan submission - Oct28-15.pdf (578.59 KB)
MV2015X0014 - DND - Request for final plan submission - Oct27-15.pdf (104.7 KB)