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Digaa Enterprises Ltd. - MV2015W0018

Timber harvesting south of Fort Providence (approximately 87,200 m³/year of logs (64,900m³/year conifer and 22,300 m³/ year of deciduous) through a Foreset Managment Area (FMA) held wth the GNWT.


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9. GIS Data
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Roads.shx (3.69 KB)
Roads.shp.xml (1.98 KB)
Roads.sbx (372 bytes)
Roads.shp (117.12 KB)
Roads.sbn (4.43 KB)
Roads.prj (484 bytes)
Roads.dbf (27.59 KB)
Points.shx (108 bytes)
Roads.cpg (5 bytes)
Points.shp (128 bytes)
Points.shp.xml (7.39 KB)
Points.sbn (148 bytes)
Points.sbx (116 bytes)
Points.prj (484 bytes)
Points.cpg (5 bytes)
Points.dbf (450 bytes)
Permit_Area.shp.xml (7.91 KB)
Permit_Area.shx (180 bytes)
Permit_Area.shp (1.14 MB)
Permit_Area.prj (484 bytes)
Permit_Area.sbx (132 bytes)
Permit_Area.sbn (236 bytes)
Permit_Area.dbf (620 bytes)
Permit_Area.cpg (5 bytes)
MV2015W0018 - Digaa Enterprises (737.45 KB)