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North American Tungsten - MV2015L2-0003

Cantung; mining and milling. Water discharge to the Flat River. 

Refer also to previous Licence MV2002L2-0019


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7. Monitoring Programs
AEMP - Program
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
NATCL - Approval - AEMP - Submission Deferral - Mar30_22.pdf (786.7 KB)
NATCL - Upcoming Updates - AEMP Design Plan, ICRP, BRP - Jan24_22.pdf (901.17 KB)
NATCL - Deferral AMEP Design Plan - Staff Report and Comments - Jul2-20.pdf (765.86 KB)
NATCL - Request to defer ubmission of AEMP Letter - Mar21-19.pdf (94.77 KB)