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Canadian Zinc Corporation - MV2014L8-0006

For non-federal portion of the road. 

​Construction and use of an all weather road, with creek crossing structures exceeding 5m in width. Road crosses federal (IAB) Lands from approximately Km156-164. Road crosses the Nahanni National Park Reserve from approximately Km17-100 where the jurisdiction is Parks Canada. 

This Water Licence is accompanied by Permit MV2014F0013 and Water Licence MV2019L8-0002

Please Note: This Water Licence and associated Permit are linked to Parks Canada Land Use Permit PC2014F0013 and Water Licence PC2014L8-0006.

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8. Closure and Reclamation
Conceptual Closure and Reclamation Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014F0013 MV2014L8-0006 MV2019L8-0002 - CZN - CRP Extension - Staff Report and Comments - Apr30-20.pdf (521.65 KB)
MV2014F0013, MV2014L8-0006 MV2019L8-0002 - CZN - Approval - CRP Submission Extension - May7-20.pdf (175.25 KB)
MV2014L8-0006 - CZN - Closure and Reclamation Plan Extension Request - Feb 24_20.pdf (107.53 KB)
9. GIS Data
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2014L8-0006 - CZN - GIS (1.49 MB)